'000 t | thousand tonnes |
$m | million dollars |
% | percentage |
ABARES | Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences |
ABRI | Australian Battery Recycling Initiative |
ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
AHECC | Australian Harmonised Export Commodity Classification |
ANZSIC | Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification |
cat. | catalogue |
CE | completely enumerated |
COAG | Council of Australian Governments |
CPC | Central Product Classification |
DCCEE | Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency |
DEC | Department of Environment and Conservation |
DECCW | Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water |
DEPHA | Department of Environment, Parks, Heritage and the Arts |
DERM | Department of Environment and Resource Management |
DEWHA | Australian Government Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts |
DIISR | Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
DSEWPaC | Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (formerly DEWHA) |
EAS | Economic Activity Survey |
EPA | Environment Protection Authority |
FOB | free on board |
GVA | gross value added |
HTISC | Harmonized Tariff Item Statistical Classification |
IOPC | Input-Output Product Classification |
no. | number |
NEPM | National Environment Protection Measure |
NTCRS | National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme |
RSE | relative standard error |
SEEA | System of Environmental Economic Accounts |
SISCA | Standard Institutional Sector Classification of Australia |
SNA | System of National Accounts |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Programme |
WAAEE | Waste Account Australia, Experimental Estimates |
WMAA | Waste Management Association of Australia |
WMS | Waste Management Services |
WRiA | Waste and Recycling in Australia |