3235.7.55.001 - Population By Age and Sex, Northern Territory, Jun 2000  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 29/06/2001   
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Estimated Resident Population (ERP)Estimate of the number of residents in the Northern Territory as at 30 June 2000
GeographyERP by Territory, Statistical Division, Statistical Subdivision, Statistical Local Areas and Local Government Areas
AgeFive year agegroups (ie. 0-4, 5-9, 10-14.........75-79, 80-84, 85+)
SexMale, Female



1 This publication contains preliminary estimates of the resident population by age and sex in Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) in the Northern Territory at 30 June 2000.

2 The estimated resident population (ERP) is the official ABS estimate of the Australian population.


3 The total population of each SLA is based on results of the 1996 Census of Population and Housing and calculated for post-census dates by a linear regression model which uses independent indicators of population change such as dwelling approvals, licensed drivers and Medicare enrolments. These intercensal estimates of the resident population are revised each time a population census is taken.

4 The age and sex estimates were prepared using the cohort component method. Post-censal age distributions were obtained by advancing the age and sex estimates for 30 June 1996 to the next age, subtracting deaths and adding births and net estimated inter-regional and overseas migration. Inter-regional and overseas migration was estimated from analysis of arrivals and departures data and individual SLA profiles derived from the 1996 Census.

5 After each census final estimates for the preceding intercensal period are calculated by incorporating an additional adjustment (intercensal discrepancy) to ensure that the total intercensal increase at each age agrees with the difference between the estimated resident population at the two respective census dates.

6 A detailed explanation of the concept of estimated resident population, as adopted by the ABS for official population estimates, is contained in the publication Demographic Estimates and Projections: Concepts, Sources and Methods


7 This publication contains data presented according to the geographic boundaries defined in Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) 2000 (Cat. no. 1216.0).


8 Users may also wish to refer to the following ABS publications:
  • Australian Demographic Statistics (Cat. no. 3101.0) - issued quarterly
  • Australian Demographic Trends (Cat. no. 3102.0) - issued irregularly
  • Births, Australia (Cat. no. 3301.0) - issued annually
  • Causes of Death, Australia (Cat. no. 3303.0) - issued annually
  • Deaths, Australia (Cat. no. 3302.0) - issued annually
  • Demography, Northern Territory (Cat. no. 3311.7) - issued annually
  • Experimental Estimates of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population (Cat. no. 3230.0) - issued irregularly
  • Migration, Australia (Cat. no. 3412.0) - issued annually
  • Northern Territory at a Glance (Cat. no. 1314.7) - issued annually
  • Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia (Cat. no. 3401.0) - issued monthly
  • Population by Age and Sex, Australian States and Territories (Cat. no. 3201.0) - issued annually
  • Population Projections, Australia (Cat. no. 3222.0) - issued irregularly
  • Regional Population Growth, Australia (Cat. no. 3218.0) - issued annually
  • Regional Statistics, Northern Territory (Cat. no. 1362.7) - issued annually