Technical name: Person (employed) - education field of highest relevant qualification, early childhood education and care, code N[N]
METeOR identifier: 441592
METeOR link:
METeOR definition: The field of education in which a person has attained their highest qualification relevant to early childhood education and care, as represented by a code.
Inclusions: All paid contact workers within early childhood education and care services.
Exclusions: Unpaid workers and non-contact workers within early childhood education and care services.
Underlying Concepts
Concept: Field of highest qualification relevant to early childhood education and care.
Nominal definition: The field of highest qualification relevant to early childhood education and care, completed by a worker within an early childhood education and care service.
Operational definition: The total number of paid contact workers within an early childhood education and care service, disaggregated by each of the Field of highest qualification relevant to early childhood education and care classifications.
Supporting data elements: Level of highest qualification relevant to early childhood education and care
Conceptual issues:
Standard Jurisdictional Output Categories
Classification scheme: Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED) 2001
Representation class: Total
Data type: Number
Format: N[NN]
Maximum character length: 3
Classification values:
1 - Teaching (early childhood related)
2 - Teaching (primary)
3 - Teaching (other)
4 - Child Care
5 - Nursing
8 - Other early childhood related
Supplementary values:
97 - Not applicable (No qualification/No ECEC related qualification)
99 - Not stated/inadequately described
 | Edit specifications | Edit resolution |
1. | If field is blank. | Provide a valid number of workers, otherwise amend to ‘0’ for the particular field of qualification category. |
2. | If field contains text or character length is greater than 3. | Provide a valid number of workers for the particular field of qualification category. |
Guide for Use
Counting rules:
- Report the specific field of education in which the worker has attained their highest early childhood education and care related qualification.
- Only completed qualifications should be reported.
- Operationally, this information may be collected by obtaining all education qualifications for the early childhood education and care worker, and through a concordance, identifying the field of the highest qualification relevant to early childhood education and care.
Classification Definitions
The value domain uses the Field of Education classification of ASCED. This is a three-level hierarchical classification specifying broad, narrow and detailed fields of study.
CODE 1 Teaching (early childhood related) - ASCED 070101
CODE 2 Teaching (primary) - ASCED 070103
CODE 3 Teaching (other) - ASCED 070105-070199
This field includes special education, and teaching English as a second language.
CODE 4 Child Care - maps to Children's services - ASCED 090503
Examples of subjects in this detailed field include:
- infant and child care and development
- understanding and guiding children's behaviour
- play and learning environment
CODE 5 Nursing - ASCED 0603
This 4 digit code includes all ASCED nursing sub-categories.
CODE 8 Other early childhood related
This includes other early education and care related fields not classifiable in any of the above categories.
CODE 97 Not applicable (no qualification/no ECEC related qualification)
Use this code when there is no qualification or the qualification is not related to early childhood education and care.
CODE 99 Not stated/inadequately described
For use when the field of highest relevant qualification of the worker is unknown, not stated or inadequately described. Where the field of qualification is unknown, the ABS requests that jurisdictions identify the reason for the unknown response and document any follow-up processes undertaken.
Other Information
For more information on ASCED, see
Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED) (cat. no. 1272.0).
Related URL data element: Field of highest qualification relevant to early childhood education and care.