Manufacturing Management Units, Summary of Operations by ANZSIC Subdivision, Australia, States and Territories, 1998-99 to 2000-2001
Data items | Employment at end of June ('000)
Employment at end of June - Relative Standard Errors (Percent)
Wages and salaries ($ Millions)
Wages and salaries - Relative Standard Errors (Percent)
Sales and service income ($ Millions)
Sales and service income - Relative Standard Errors (Percent)
Industry value added ($ Millions)
Industry value added - Relative Standard Errors (Percent)
Sales and service income per person employed ($'000)
Industry value added per person employed ($'000) |
Financial Year | 1998-99 to 2000-01 |
Area | States, Territories and Australia |
Industry | 2-digit ANZSIC |