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10 Education services Description 14.188 The scope of this item is household expenditure on educational services, and current grants by government to non-profit educational institutions serving households (non-government schools). Examples of the types of expenditure covered are: Higher Education Contributions (HECS), tuition fees paid to pre-schools, primary and secondary schools and post-secondary institutions; household donations to tertiary institutions; and current expenditure (except interest and depreciation) of non-government schools and similar non-profit educational organisations. Current expenditure of non-government schools is estimated as the sum of fees paid by households to these schools and current grants received from general government. Sources and methods Tertiary Education 14.189 HECS comprises receipts from the HECS trust fund and up-front payments made by students. Data are currently supplied by the Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs, but will be supplied directly by universities in future. Total tertiary education fees comprise household grants, private university tuition fees and full up-front fees for fee approved courses. Data for 1991 and later years are from Selected Higher Education Finance Statistics published by the Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs. Student union fees at post secondary tertiary institutions are included in HFCE on Other goods and services (12.5). 14.190 Total fees include tuition fees paid to Technical and Further Education (TAFE) colleges, and tuition fees paid to adult education centres. Data for 1991 and later years are from Selected Vocational Education and Training Statistics and Overseas Student Statistics, published by the Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs. 14.191 Total expenditure on primary and secondary education includes tuition fees paid by households to government schools, private tutoring services for students, and current expenditure (except interest and depreciation) by non-profit educational organisations serving households. Tuition fees paid to government primary and secondary schools are estimated separately by multiplying the number of enrolments by an average cost per student. Enrolment statistics are available annually from the ABS publication Schools, Australia (Cat. no. 4221.0). The average cost per student is periodically benchmarked from the Household Expenditure Survey (HES). Estimates of the average cost per student for non-HES years are derived using movements in the CPI education series. Data on current expenditure of non-profit organisations are obtained from an annual survey by the Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs. Expenditure on private tutoring services is benchmarked from HES. Estimates for non-HES years are moved forward using the CPI education series. 14.192 Fees paid to preschools are estimated using enrolment and average fees information. The preschool enrolment data are available triennially from Child Care, Australia (Cat. no. 4402.0). Average fees are benchmarked from HES data and moved forward using the CPI child care series. Volume estimates 14.194 Current price estimates of purchases of education services by Australian residents in Australia are revalued using the relevant components of the CPI.