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WELCOME FROM THE DIRECTOR Welcome to the latest edition of the National Centre for Crime and Justice Statistics (NCCJS) Newsletter. It has been a busy and innovative year for the NCCJS, with a number of new first-time releases and products, in addition to the Centre’s regular suite of publications. This year the NCCJS launched a new statistical product, In Focus: Crime and Justice Statistics (cat. no. 4524.0). This product showcases feature articles that present analysis and commentary on a range of topics using ABS crime and justice statistical sources. The first analytical article, ‘Youth victimisation and offending: A statistical snapshot,’ was released in September 2011, followed by a second release in December 2011, ‘In the eye of the beholder: Perceptions of social disorder in Australia.’ The third article in the series, 'Exploring relationships between crime victimisation and social well-being,' is due to be released on the 25rd of July 2012. The year also saw the release of the on-line Directory of Family and Domestic Violence Statistics. The directory provides an on-line reference point for sources of data relating to Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) that are collected by, or on behalf of, Australian and state and territory government agencies. Personal Fraud, 2010-11 (cat. no. 4528.0) was released in April, presenting data from the second national survey of Australians’ experiences of personal fraud, with results from the first national survey being published in 2007. Other notable developments that have occurred over the past year include the expanded scope of the Federal Defendants (cat. no. 4515.0) collection to include Tasmanian higher courts data, and the expanded scope of the Criminal Courts (cat. no. 4513.0) collection to include custodial sentence quantum data for the lower courts across all state and territory jurisdictions. In terms of future directions, a ‘perceptions of justice’ module asking respondents about their contact with and perceptions of the justice sector, including the police, criminal courts, and prisons, will be included for the first time in the 2011-12 Crime Victimisation Survey, with the results to be published in Crime Victimisation, Australia, 2011-12 (cat. no. 4530.0) in February 2013. The NCCJS has also commenced a review of the scope of the Corrective Services, Australia (cat. no. 4512.0) publication, in consultation with government and non-government stakeholders and data users, with the aim of ensuring the collection remains relevant to data users. Information about all of our publications can be found on the crime and justice Topics @ a Glance page, through the ABS website. A redesigned Topics @ a Glance page was launched in December 2011, and now includes new interactive features such as a rotating ‘Did you know’ banner and regularly updated ‘Popular Topics’ and ‘National Snapshot on Crime’ boxes that highlight key statistics from our suite of publications. If you are interested in receiving further details about the work of the centre we would be pleased to hear from you at If you would like to receive a copy of the NCCJS Newsletter, you can visit the ABS Email Notification Service page to set up your free subscription.