The ABS published counts of ABNs registered and active for GST from the ABR in respect of October 2000 and June 2001 in Australian Business Register: Counts of Australian Business Numbers (ABNs) (cat. no. 1369.0.55.001). This publication has been discontinued.
To enable comparison of counts of businesses with counts of ABNs, counts of ABNs Registered and Active for GST, at the industry division level have been provided for October 2000, June 2001 and June 2004. The same table provides counts of businesses from the ABSBR for June 2004.
Note: In the 2001-02 financial year, a number of processing backlogs on the ABR were addressed by the ATO. Therefore, counts of ABNs for June 2001 should be treated with caution, as some of the businesses counted had ceased operations but their ABR details had not been updated.
In addition to the different data sources, there are a number of differences between ABR counts of ABNs and ABSBR counts of businesses:
- ABR counts of ABNs at the Industry Division level include all ABNs that are registered and active for a GSTP tax role. In contrast, ABSBR counts of businesses include all businesses in the ATOMP that have at least one non-cancelled GSTP, ITIP or ITW tax role and live TAUs from the ABSMP.
- The treatment of long term non-remitters (explained in paragraph 18 of the Explanatory Notes) does not apply to ABR counts of ABNs. However, long term non-remitters do impact ABSBR counts of businesses as they are applied to ABNs in the ATOMP.
- ABSBR counts of businesses exclude some sectors based on the SISCA (2100 Central Bank, 3000 General Government, 5000 Non-profit Institutions Serving Households and 6000 Rest of the World) and TOLO (12 Charitable Institution, 15 Social and Sporting Clubs, 16 Trade Unions and Other Associations, 20 Other Unincorporated Entity, 41 Diplomatic or Trade Missions and 42 Other Foreign Government) classifications. These exclusions do not apply to the ABR counts of ABNs.
The ABSBR counts of businesses are higher than the ABR counts of ABNs. The main reason for this is the inclusion of businesses in the ABSBR counts of businesses with either a non-cancelled ITIP or ITW role without an active GSTP tax role; these businesses are excluded from the ABR counts of ABNs.
ABR Business Entities(a), October 2000, June 2001 and June 2004 |
| |
| Employing | Non-employing | Total | |
| no. | no. | no. | |
October 2000 | |
| |
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing | 71,983 | 160,958 | 232,941 | |
Mining | 2,304 | 5,516 | 7,820 | |
Manufacturing | 54,743 | 62,846 | 117,589 | |
Electricity, Gas and Water Supply | 473 | 3,865 | 4,338 | |
Construction | 86,193 | 223,498 | 309,691 | |
Wholesale Trade | 36,233 | 36,582 | 72,815 | |
Retail Trade | 99,958 | 105,298 | 205,256 | |
Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants | 28,820 | 24,865 | 53,685 | |
Transport and Storage | 28,757 | 87,386 | 116,143 | |
Communication Services | 4,995 | 27,030 | 32,025 | |
Finance and Insurance | 22,664 | 106,234 | 128,898 | |
Property and Business Services | 129,278 | 274,495 | 403,773 | |
Government Administration and Defence | 2,109 | 2,615 | 4,724 | |
Education | 10,021 | 20,859 | 30,880 | |
Health and Community Services | 44,002 | 48,981 | 92,983 | |
Cultural and Recreational Services | 15,240 | 45,110 | 60,350 | |
Personal and Other Services | 28,309 | 140,078 | 168,387 | |
Industry Not Stated | 73,716 | 11,490 | 85,206 | |
All Industries | 739,798 | 1,387,706 | 2,127,504 | |
June 2001 | |
| |
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing | 87,472 | 147,885 | 235,357 | |
Mining | 2,658 | 4,672 | 7,330 | |
Manufacturing | 62,999 | 67,546 | 130,545 | |
Electricity, Gas and Water Supply | 580 | 1,093 | 1,673 | |
Construction | 108,052 | 233,405 | 341,457 | |
Wholesale Trade | 42,510 | 39,594 | 82,104 | |
Retail Trade | 120,533 | 109,886 | 230,419 | |
Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants | 35,425 | 19,150 | 54,575 | |
Transport and Storage | 35,254 | 89,704 | 124,958 | |
Communication Services | 6,709 | 22,936 | 29,645 | |
Finance and Insurance | 31,620 | 129,459 | 161,079 | |
Property and Business Services | 162,082 | 324,117 | 486,199 | |
Government Administration and Defence | 2,280 | 2,240 | 4,520 | |
Education | 11,523 | 18,922 | 30,445 | |
Health and Community Services | 50,116 | 44,552 | 94,668 | |
Cultural and Recreational Services | 19,089 | 49,099 | 68,188 | |
Personal and Other Services | 35,199 | 57,085 | 92,284 | |
Industry Not Stated | 854 | 2,866 | 3,720 | |
All Industries | 814,955 | 1,364,211 | 2,179,166 | |
June 2004 | |
| |
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing | 82,278 | 150,418 | 232,696 | |
Mining | 2,560 | 5,027 | 7,587 | |
Manufacturing | 57,072 | 68,813 | 125,885 | |
Electricity, Gas and Water Supply | 557 | 1,736 | 2,293 | |
Construction | 100,042 | 259,113 | 359,155 | |
Wholesale Trade | 40,463 | 52,921 | 93,384 | |
Retail Trade | 105,443 | 136,390 | 241,833 | |
Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants | 29,625 | 31,709 | 61,334 | |
Transport and Storage | 32,396 | 104,328 | 136,724 | |
Communication Services | 5,824 | 24,188 | 30,012 | |
Finance and Insurance | 29,930 | 136,036 | 165,966 | |
Property and Business Services | 150,732 | 384,810 | 535,542 | |
Government Administration and Defence | 1,847 | 1,932 | 3,779 | |
Education | 10,892 | 18,978 | 29,870 | |
Health and Community Services | 46,638 | 51,342 | 97,980 | |
Cultural and Recreational Services | 17,535 | 45,188 | 62,723 | |
Personal and Other Services | 32,251 | 71,480 | 103,731 | |
Industry Not Stated | 1,773 | 10,952 | 12,725 | |
All Industries | 747,858 | 1,555,361 | 2,303,219 | |
| |
(a) ABR Business Entities are Australian Business Numbers that are registered and active for a Goods and Services Tax (GST) role. |
ABSBR Businesses, June 2004 |
| |
| Employing | Non-employing | Total | |
| no. | no. | no. | |
| |
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing | 74,111 | 183,150 | 257,261 | |
Mining | 2,731 | 6,390 | 9,121 | |
Manufacturing | 61,888 | 91,847 | 153,735 | |
Electricity, Gas and Water Supply | 599 | 2,022 | 2,621 | |
Construction | 113,426 | 348,814 | 462,240 | |
Wholesale Trade | 46,800 | 56,842 | 103,642 | |
Retail Trade | 126,160 | 147,319 | 273,479 | |
Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants | 39,342 | 28,680 | 68,022 | |
Transport and Storage | 37,374 | 114,558 | 151,932 | |
Communication Services | 8,089 | 28,416 | 36,505 | |
Finance and Insurance | 51,708 | 366,677 | 418,385 | |
Property and Business Services | 171,182 | 549,650 | 720,832 | |
Education | 6,880 | 26,511 | 33,391 | |
Health and Community Services | 49,008 | 70,998 | 120,006 | |
Cultural and Recreational Services | 17,300 | 72,370 | 89,670 | |
Personal and Other Services | 30,480 | 83,996 | 114,476 | |
All Industries | 837,078 | 2,178,240 | 3,015,318 | |
| |