2011 |  |
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Mar 2011 | Patterns in South Australian Retail Turnover |
 | Emotional Well-being in South Australia |
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Feb 2011 | Young People, Sports and Physical Recreation in South Australia |
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Jan 2011 | Household Water Consumption and Conservation Actions |
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2010 |  |
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Dec 2010 | Women in South Australia's workforce |
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Nov 2010 | National Regional Profile: Regional data made easy! |
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Oct 2010 | Making better use of Public Sector information |
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Sep 2010 | Where have all the male teachers gone? |
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Aug 2010 | Beefing up our economy: Meat production in South Australia |
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Jul 2010 | Children's Use of the Internet and Mobile Phones in South Australia |
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Jun 2010 | International Students and the VET sector in South Australia |
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May 2010 | Interstate Departures from South Australia |
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Apr 2010 | Engineering Construction in South Australia |
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Mar 2010 | Burial and cremation trends in South Australia |
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Feb 2010 | The new Australian Statistical Geography Standard |
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Jan 2010 | Houses in South Australia: The cost of building a dream |
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2009 |  |
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Dec 2009 | International Students in South Australia |
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Nov 2009 | Perceptions of Crime and Safety in South Australia |
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Oct 2009 | Who's Not in the Labour Force? |
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Sep 2009 | One parent families with dependent children in South Australia |
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Aug 2009 | Heating and Cooling |
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Jul 2009 | What are South Australians Studying? |
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Jun 2009 | Water Efficiency in South Australia's Vineyards |
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May 2009 | Journey to Work in the City of Adelaide |
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Apr 2009 | Housing Finance - First Home Buyers and Other Borrowers |
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Feb 2009 | Recent Increases in South Australia's Fertility |
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Jan 2009 | South Australian Household Final Consumption Expenditure |
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2008 |  |
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Dec 2008 | Energy Consumption in South Australia |
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Nov 2008 | Adelaide's Population Turnover |
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Oct 2008 | Contributors to Adelaide's Price Rises |
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Sep 2008 | Adelaide's Suburbs of Advantage and Disadvantage |
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Aug 2008 | South Australia's Agriculture Industry |
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July 2008 | New Dwelling Approvals in South Australia |
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May 2008 | Literacy of South Australians |
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April 2008 | South Australia's Migrant Population |
 | South Australia's Ageing Population and the Labour Force |
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Feb 2008 | South Australia's Mining Industry |
 | Water Supply in South Australia |
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Jan 2008 | Labour Force Underutilisation and the Underemployed in South Australia |
 | Water Use in Agriculture - A South Australian Perspective |
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2007 |  |
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Nov 2007 | Sports Attendance in South Australia |
 | Recorded Crime - Victims, South Australia, 2006 |
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Oct 2007 | Attendance at Cultural Venues and Events by South Australians |
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Aug 2007 | Children's Participation in Cultural and Leisure Activities - South Australia, 2006 |
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Jul 2007 | South Australia's big picture: Census highlights the changes in South Australian society |
 | Participation in Sports and Physical Recreation Activities - South Australia |
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May 2007 | Health of South Australians - Body Mass |
 | Household Use of the Internet in South Australia |
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Apr 2007 | Employment in the Retail Trade Industry in South Australia |
 | River Murray - South Australia |
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Mar 2007 | Household Waste Management in South Australia |
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Feb 2007 | Births - South Australia |
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Jan 2007 | Gross Domestic Product and Gross State Product |
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2006 |  |
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Dec 2006 | Rainfall in South Australia, South Australian Reservoirs, Water Consumption |
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Nov 2006 | Health of South Australians - Health related actions |
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Oct 2006 | National Regional Profile - New Release, New Features |
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Sep 2006 | Fuel Production and Consumption, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Land Use Change and Forrestry |
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Aug 2006 | Health of South Australians - Health Risk Behaviours |
 | The South Australian Grape Industry |
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Jul 2006 | Use of IT By Australian Businesses |
 | Household use of the Internet in South Australia |
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May 2006 | Health of South Australians - Health Status |
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Apr 2006 | International Trade in Services |
 | International Students in South Australia |
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Feb 2006 | Labour Force and Other Characteristics of Migrants in South Australia |
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Jan 2006 | Survey of work in selected Culture & Leisure Activities |
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2005 |  |
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Nov 2005 | Household Income in South Australia |
 | Household Expenditure in South Australia |
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Oct 2005 | SA Business and Innovation |
 | Recent History of Population change in South Australia, 1993-94 to 2003-04 |
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Aug 2005 | Average Weekly Earnings |
 | Transition from School |