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Rents and housing loans: What people are paying
ACT, Queanbeyan and Yass - Aug 2007
Rents and housing loans: What people are paying
ACT, Queanbeyan and Yass
This article contains data from the 2006 Census of Population and Housing, conducted in respect of Tuesday 8 August 2006. It describes median weekly rental payments and median monthly housing loan repayments for occupied private dwellings in:
- the Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
- the Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Queanbeyan and Yass Valley
- State Suburbs within the ACT, Queanbeyan and Yass Valley LGA.
(See the Definitions section below for a definition of what comprises a Local Government Area (LGA) and a State Suburb)
Note: State Suburbs with high levels of industrial deployment, or that were still under land development have been excluded. Furthermore, State Suburbs where there were fewer than 50 rental dwellings have been excluded from the suburb-based comparisons relating to rental payments and suburbs where there were fewer than 50 dwellings with housing loans (i.e. being purchased) have been excluded from the suburb-based comparisons relating to housing loan repayments.
Median weekly rental payments
In the 2006 Census, ACT residents had the highest median weekly rental payments of all the states and territories. At $260 per week, this was $70 (37%) above the median weekly rental payment for Australia as a whole. Rented dwellings accounted for 29% of all dwellings in the ACT at the time of the 2006 Census.
Across the ACT, median rents ranged from a high of $416 per week in Forrest (60% higher than the ACT median) to a low of $100 per week in Oaks Estate (62% lower than the ACT median). The table below lists those ACT suburbs paying the highest and lowest median weekly rents.
MEDIAN WEEKLY RENTAL PAYMENTS, by highest and lowest paying suburbs, ACT, Census 2006
Highest |  | Lowest |
Forrest | $416 |  | Oaks Estate | $100 |
Barton | $360 |  | Symonston | $120 |
Fadden | $350 |  | Reid | $122 |
City | $341 |  | Lyons | $190 |
Bruce | $340 |  | Spence | $191 |
Chapman | $340 |  | Stirling | $200 |
Garran | $335 |  | Scullin | $200 |
Gungahlin | $330 |  | Waramanga | $200 |
Kingston | $325 |  | Campbell | $200 |
Isaacs | $320 |  | Red Hill | $200 |
Median values for weekly rental payments exclude Other not classifiable and Visitor Only households
Source: 2006 Quickstats |
In the Queanbeyan LGA, residents of the suburb of Jerrabomberra had the highest median weekly rental payments of all suburbs in the 2006 Census ($270 per week). This was 46% higher than the Queanbeyan LGA median of $185. The suburb of Queanbeyan had the lowest median rental payment of $170 per week, which was $15 (8%) lower than for Queanbeyan LGA as a whole.
The table below lists the median weekly rental payments for suburbs in the Queanbeyan LGA.
In the town of Yass the median weekly rental payment was $150 in the 2006 Census . The same median weekly rental payment was also reported for the Yass Valley LGA. This was 42% lower than the ACT and 19% lower than Queanbeyan LGA.
Median monthly housing loan payments:
In the 2006 Census, 37% of all dwellings in the ACT were being purchased, (i.e. their purchasers had mortgage commitments). The purchasers of these dwellings were paying a median monthly housing loan repayment of $1,500, which was $200 (15%) higher than Australia as a whole.
Home purchasers in Forrest reported the highest median housing loan repayments of all ACT suburbs, at $2,817 per month, which was $1,317 (88%) higher than for the ACT.
Home purchasers in Scullin reported the lowest median housing loan repayments in the ACT, at $1,200 per month. This was $300 (20%) lower than for the ACT.
Table below lists those ACT suburbs paying the highest and lowest median monthly housing loan repayments.
MEDIAN MONTHLY HOUSING LOAN REPAYMENTS, by highest and lowest paying suburbs, ACT, Census 2006
Highest |  | Lowest |
Forrest | $2,817 |  | Scullin | $1,200 |
Harrison | $2,192 |  | Charnwood | $1,244 |
Yarralumla | $2,164 |  | Florey | $1,250 |
Red Hill | $2,159 |  | Gilmore | $1,300 |
Barton | $2,069 |  | Giralang | $1,300 |
Deakin | $2,022 |  | Greenway | $1,300 |
O'Malley | $2,000 |  | Higgins | $1,300 |
Gungahlin | $2,000 |  | Holt | $1,300 |
Campbell | $1,900 |  | Isabella Plains | $1,300 |
Griffith | $1,842 |  | Kaleen | $1,300 |
 |  |  | Latham | $1,300 |
 |  |  | Macquarie | $1,300 |
 |  |  | Oxley | $1,300 |
 |  |  | Page | $1,300 |
 |  |  | Richardson | $1,300 |
 |  |  | Chisholm | $1,300 |
 |  |  | Belconnen | $1,300 |
Median values for monthly housing loan repayments exclude Other not classifiable and Visitor Only households
Source: 2006 QuickStats |
In the 2006 Census, home purchasers in Jerrabomberra had the highest median housing loan repayments per month of any suburb in the Queanbeyan LGA ($1,800). This was $307 (21%) more than the median for the Queanbeyan LGA as a whole ($1,493 per month). Home purchasers in the suburbs of Dodsworth, Letchworth and Queanbeyan had the lowest median loan repayments of $1,300 per month, which was $193 (13%) lower than the Queanbeyan LGA median.
Table below lists the median monthly housing loan repayments for suburbs in the Queanbeyan LGA.
In the town of Yass, the median monthly housing loan repayment was $1,408 in the 2006 Census
. The median monthly housing loan repayment for the Yass Valley (LGA) was $1,200. This was 20% lower than both the
and the Queanbeyan LGA.
Local Government Area (LGA):
The Local Government Area (LGA) is a geographical area under the responsibility of an incorporated local government council, or an incorporated Indigenous government council. The LGAs in Australia collectively cover only a part of Australia. Their creation and delimitation is the responsibility of the respective state/territory governments, and are governed by the provisions of state/territory local government acts. |
State Suburb:
A Census specific area where collection districts are aggregated to approximate suburbs.
Being purchased:
Includes home purchasers with mortgage commitments or dwellings being purchased under the rent/buy scheme
Includes rent-free
Visitor Only Household:
A dwelling where no person(s) are usually resident
Other not classifiable household:
Includes dwellings that were occupied but no contact was made with residents, households where no person over 15 was present, or households where too little information was provided to determined a category.
Further Information
Further information on median weekly rental payments, median monthly housing loan repayments in the ACT, Queanbeyan, Yass and Australia can be found by accessing
QuickStats, Census Data online on the ABS website
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census Data, 2006 QuickStats