4616.5.55.001 - Domestic Water Use, Western Australia, Oct 2003  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 06/04/2004   
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Contains data on water-using appliances and the water use behaviour of households in WA. Includes information about sources of water used (mains water supply, rainwater tanks, bores); types of hot water systems installed; use of washing machines, dishwashers, toilets, showers and baths; types of fixed air conditioners installed; whether mulch is used on the garden; methods used to water gardens/lawns (fixed reticulation systems, hand-held hose, sprinkler, soaker hose, etc); reuse of water; and types of swimming pools.

This product is produced in Electronic delivery format on a Irregular basis.
Issue Details
First Issue: Oct 2003
Latest Issue: Oct 2003 was released on 06/04/2004

Price: $19.50