3303.0 - Causes of Death, Australia, 2009 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 03/05/2011   
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There are standard ways for listing causes of death and there are formal recommendations concerning lists for tabulation to assist international comparisons. The World Health Organisation (WHO) provides a number of standard tabulation lists for presentation of causes of death statistics, that assist international comparability. WHO also recommend that when there is not a need for international comparability then lists can be designed to meet local needs. These special lists can be developed for example to monitor progress of local health programmes. The following tabulation lists have been developed, based on those used by the United States National Center for Health Statistics1, to assist users in examining data for firearm, drug and alcohol related deaths.


Causes of death attributable to firearm mortality include ICD-10 codes:

      W32-W34, Accidental discharge of firearms;
      X72-X74, Intentional self-harm (suicide) by discharge of firearms;
      X93-X95, Assault (homicide) by discharge of firearms;
      Y22-Y24, Discharge of firearms, undetermined intent; and
      Y35.0, Legal intervention involving firearm discharge.

Deaths from injury by firearms exclude deaths due to explosives and other causes indirectly related to firearms.


Causes of death attributable to drug-induced mortality include ICD-10 codes:
      D52.1, Drug-induced folate deficiency anaemia;
      D59.0, Drug-induced haemolytic anaemia;
      D59.2, Drug-induced nonautoimmune haemolytic anaemia;
      D61.1, Drug-induced aplastic anaemia;
      D64.2, Secondary sideroblastic anaemia due to drugs and toxins;
      E06.4, Drug-induced thyroiditis;
      E16.0, Drug-induced hypoglycaemia without coma;
      E23.1, Drug-induced hypopituitarism;
      E24.2, Drug-induced Cushing’s syndrome;
      E27.3, Drug-induced adrenocortical insufficiency;
      E66.1, Drug-induced obesity;
      F11.0-F11.5, Use of opoids causing intoxication, harmful use (abuse), dependence, withdrawal or psychosis
      F11.7-F11.9, Use of opoid causing late onset psychosis, other mental and behavioural disorders and unspecified behavioural disorders.
      F12.0-F12.5, Use of cannabis causing intoxication, harmful use (abuse), dependence, withdrawal or psychosis
      F12.7-F12.9, Use of cannabis causing late onset psychosis, other mental and behavioural disorders and unspecified behavioural disorders.
      F13.0-F13.5, Use of sedative or hypnotics causing intoxication, harmful use (abuse), dependence, withdrawal or psychosis
      F13.7-F13.9, Use of sedative or hypnotics causing late onset psychosis, other mental and behavioural disorders and unspecified behavioural disorders.
      F14.0-F14.5, Use of cocaine causing intoxication, harmful use (abuse), dependence, withdrawal or psychosis
      F14.7-F14.9, Use of cocaine causing late onset psychosis, other mental and behavioural disorders and unspecified behavioural disorders.
      F15.0-F15.5, Use of caffeine causing intoxication, harmful use (abuse), dependence, withdrawal or psychosis
      F15.7-F15.9, Use of caffeine causing late onset psychosis, other mental and behavioural disorders and unspecified behavioural disorders.
      F16.0-F16.5, Use of hallucinogens causing intoxication, harmful use (abuse), dependence, withdrawal or psychosis
      F16.7-F16.9, Use of hallucinogens causing late onset psychosis, other mental and behavioural disorders and unspecified behavioural disorders.
      F17.0, Use of tobacco causing intoxication
      F17.3-F17.5, Use of tobacco causing dependence, withdrawal or psychosis
      F17.7-F17.9, Use of tobacco causing late onset psychosis, other mental and behavioural disorders and unspecified behavioural disorders.
      F18.0-F18.5, Use of volatile solvents causing intoxication, harmful use (abuse), dependence, withdrawal or psychosis
      F18.7-F18.9, Use of volatile solvents causing late onset psychosis, other mental and behavioural disorders and unspecified behavioural disorders.
      F19.0-F19.5, Use of multiple drugs and other psychoactive substances causing intoxication, harmful use (abuse), dependence, withdrawal or psychosis
      F19.7-F19.9, Use of multiple drugs and other psychoactive substances causing late onset psychosis, other mental and behavioural disorders and unspecified behavioural disorders.
      G21.1, Other drug-induced secondary Parkinsonism;
      G24.0, Drug-induced dystonia;
      G25.1, Drug-induced tremor;
      G25.4, Drug-induced chorea;
      G25.6, Drug-induced tics and other tics of organic origin;
      G44.4, Drug-induced headache, not elsewhere classified;
      G62.0, Drug-induced polyneuropathy;
      G72.0, Drug-induced myopathy;
      I95.2, Hypotension due to drugs;
      J70.2, Acute drug-induced interstitial lung disorders;
      J70.3, Chronic drug-induced interstitial lung disorders;
      J70.4, Drug-induced interstitial lung disorder, unspecified;
      L10.5, Drug-induced pemphigus;
      L27.0, Generalized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments;
      L27.1, Localized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments;
      M10.2, Drug-induced gout;
      M32.0, Drug-induced systemic lupus erythematosus;
      M80.4, Drug-induced osteoporosis with pathological fracture;
      M81.4, Drug-induced osteoporosis;
      M83.5, Other drug-induced osteomalacia in adults;
      M87.1, Osteonecrosis due to drugs;
      R78.1, Finding of opiate drug in blood;
      R78.2, Finding of cocaine in blood;
      R78.3, Finding of hallucinogen in blood;
      R78.4, Finding of other drugs of addictive potential in blood;
      R78.5, Finding of psychotropic drug in blood;
      X40-X44, Accidental poisoning by and exposure to drugs, medicaments and biological substances;
      X60-X64, Intentional self-poisoning (suicide) by and exposure to drugs, medicaments and biological substances;
      X85, Assault (homicide) by drugs, medicaments and biological substances; and
      Y10-Y14, Poisoning by and exposure to drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined intent.

Drug-induced causes exclude accidents, homicides, and other causes indirectly related to drug use. Also excluded are newborn deaths associated with mother’s drug use.


Causes of death attributable to alcohol-induced mortality include ICD-10 codes:
      E24.4, Alcohol-induced pseudo-Cushing’s syndrome;
      F10, Mental and behavioural disorders due to alcohol use;
      G31.2, Degeneration of nervous system due to alcohol;
      G62.1, Alcoholic polyneuropathy;
      G72.1, Alcoholic myopathy;
      I42.6, Alcoholic cardiomyopathy;
      K29.2, Alcoholic gastritis;
      K70, Alcoholic liver disease;
      K86.0, Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis;
      R78.0, Finding of alcohol in blood;
      X45, Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol;
      X65, Intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to alcohol; and
      Y15, Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent.

Alcohol-induced causes exclude accidents, homicides, and other causes indirectly related to alcohol use. This category also excludes newborn deaths associated with maternal alcohol use.
      1. Miniño AM, Heron MP, Murphy SL, Kochankek, KD. Deaths: Final Data for 2004. National vital statistics reports; vol 55 no 19. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2007.