Publications |
1395.0 - Essential Statistical Assets for Australia Quality Assessments |
1395.0 - Quality Standards for ESA Datasets Reference Guide |
1395.0 - ESA 088 Access to Suitable and Safe Housing |
1395.0 - ESA 985 Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 730 Balance of Payments and International Investment Position |
1395.0 - ESA 457 Business Demography |
1395.0 - ESA 235 Business Performance Indicators |
1395.0 - ESA 940 Capital Formation Indicators |
1395.0 - ESA 976 Consumer Inflation |
1395.0 - ESA 802 Employee Earnings and Hours Worked |
1395.0 - ESA 174 Energy Supply and Use |
1395.0 - ESA 325 Expenditure on Research and Development |
1395.0 - ESA 905 Exports and Imports of Goods and Services |
1395.0 - ESA 373 Financial Flow Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 012 Financial Price Indicators |
1395.0 - ESA 563 Government Sector Financial Information |
1395.0 - ESA 625 Gross Domestic Product and Component Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 044 Gross State Product and Component Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 891 Household Income, Wealth and Expenditure Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 381 Housing Activity Indicators |
1395.0 - ESA 357 Housing Affordability |
1395.0 - ESA 126 Housing Utilisation |
1395.0 - ESA 438 Income, Labour and Family Dynamics |
1395.0 - ESA 642 Input - Output Tables |
1395.0 - ESA 948 International Trade Inflation and Terms of Trade |
1395.0 - ESA 195 IT Use and Innovation By Businesses |
1395.0 - ESA 307 Job Vacancies |
1395.0 - ESA 602 National Balance Sheet |
1395.0 - ESA 112 Petroleum and Mineral Resources Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 840 Producer Inflation |
1395.0 - ESA 848 Productivity Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 811 Retail Trade Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 458 Taxation Revenue and Transfers |
1395.0 - ESA 330 Wage Inflation |
1395.0 - ESA 774 Ambient Air Quality |
1395.0 - ESA 135 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health |
1395.0 - ESA 820 Climate Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 584 Greenhouse Gas Emissions |
1395.0 - ESA 180 Land Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 102 Pollution and Accumulation of Waste |
1395.0 - ESA 511 Size and Location of Protected Terrestrial and Marine Parks |
1395.0 - ESA 391 Water Quality of Natural Systems |
1395.0 - ESA 387 Water Supply and Use |
1395.0 - ESA 587 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 789 Access to Essential Social Services |
1395.0 - ESA 627 Ageing and Aged Care Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 207 Birth Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 232 Crime Incidence Rates |
1395.0 - ESA 306 Cultural and Sport Participation and Attendance |
1395.0 - ESA 843 Disability Related Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 343 Disease Prevalence and Incidence |
1395.0 - ESA 133 Early Childhood Development |
1395.0 - ESA 124 Education Outcomes and the Transition to Work |
1395.0 - ESA 889 Employment Arrangements, Superannuation and Retirement Incomes |
1395.0 - ESA 561 Enrolment and Attainment in Tertiary and Vocational Education and Training |
1395.0 - ESA 132 Freight Movement Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 814 Health Risk Factor Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 360 Hospital Services Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 980 Domestic Household Travel (Time, Distance and Mode) |
1395.0 - ESA 799 Labour Market Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 645 Literacy and Numeracy |
1395.0 - ESA 404 Migrant Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 890 Mortality and Life Expectancy Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 927 Motor Vehicle Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 676 Multidimensional Social Disadvantage |
1395.0 - ESA 567 Participation and Attainment in Schooling |
1395.0 - ESA 739 Personal Experiences of Violence |
1395.0 - ESA 866 Personal Internet Access and Usage |
1395.0 - ESA 572 Population Estimates |
1395.0 - ESA 879 Population Structure and Household Composition |
1395.0 - ESA 888 Preventative Health Statistics |
1395.0 - ESA 078 Primary Health Care Services and Performance |
1395.0 - ESA 384 Recorded Criminal Offender Rates |
1395.0 - ESA 378 Transport Related Crashes and Fatalities |
1395.0 - ESA 755 Volunteering Data |
Data Cubes |
Revised 2013 List of Essential Statistical Assets for Australia |