The Employed Persons by Occupation table (Table 4.3) has been re-based to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupation, First Edition, 2006 (ANZSCO) (cat. no. 1220.0) and the commentary in this section is based on the new classification. To allow bridging of time series, the Employed Persons by Occupation table based on ASCO second edition has been retained for this issue, but will not be included in future issues.
In August quarter 2008, more people in the Melbourne MSR were employed as Professionals (25.3%) followed by Clerical and Administrative Workers (15.8%) and Technicians and Trades Workers (13.8%). In the Balance of Victoria MSR, Technicians and Trades Workers, Managers and Professionals collectively accounted for almost half of total employment (46.7%).
Full-time workers in Victoria worked mainly as Professionals (24.6%), Technicians and Trades Workers (18.1%) and Managers (15.5%) while part-time workers were mainly Sales Workers (18.0%), Professionals (17.8%) and Clerical and Administrative Workers (17.6%).
By Occupation(b), Major Statistical Region
November Quarter 2007 to November Quarter 2008

View underlying table as an Excel spreadsheet: 1367.2
Employed Persons, By Occupation (ANZSCO) and Major Statistical Region - November Quarter 2008 (file size 55kB).
View underlying table as an Excel spreadsheet: 1367.2
Employed Persons, By Occupation (ASCO) and Major Statistical Region - November Quarter 2008 (file size 58kB).