System Requirements
These files are in SuperTABLE format. To use them, you need SuperTABLE on your PC. You can download it free from Space-Time Research at (then run the file to install it), or contact your organisation's Information Technology support area. For more information, please see SuperTABLE Help.
This product contains preliminary estimates from the Economic Activity Survey (EAS). Final estimates for 1999-2000 will be available in the next issue of Business Operations and Industry Performance, Australia (Cat. no. 8140.0) due for release in October 2001.
The data contained in this product are early estimates based on a response rate of 79%.
Estimates for 1998-99 and previous years contain revisions that have resulted from the analysis of 1999-2000 data.
The methodology to moderate data to account for extreme values has been changed. For more detailed information please see paragraph 10 of the Explanatory notes.
The majority of tables in this product now include a five year time series, rather than two as in previous issues.
ABS statistical series are being impacted to varying degrees as a result of The New Tax System (TNTS), introduced in Australia from 1 July 2000. TNTS includes the removal of Wholesale Sales Tax and the introduction of a Goods and Services Tax (GST). From financial year 1999-2000, the series in this product will be recorded exclusive of the Goods and Services Tax.
The ABS welcomes feedback from readers regarding the usefulness, range and quality of the data presented and explanations provided. Please send any comments to: The Director, Economy Wide Statistics Section, Australian Bureau of Statistics, PO Box 10, Belconnen ACT 2616. Alternatively, email <>.
ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics
ANZSIC Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification
b Billions
EAS Economic Activity Survey
EBIT Earnings before interest and tax
IVA Industry value added
m Millions
no. number
OPBT Operating profit before tax
RSE Relative standard error
SE Standard error
SNA93 United Nations System of National Accounts 1993
In this product - can have the following meanings:
Not available for publication, but included in the totals where applicable unless otherwise indicated: Usually occurs where an entire industry by size classification is annotated.
Zero: value (rare, mainly occuring within the percentiles).
Not available: relates mainly to the percentiles and business profitability percentages for the years prior to 1996-97. Applies to the breakdown of assets and liabilities for the Finance and Insurance industries and hence to the same items at the All Industries level.
Not applicable: relates to IVA & IGP in the Finance and Insurance industries.
Not yet available: relates to preliminary 1999-2000 data for percentiles and business profitability percentages and industry classifications at the subdivision
System Requirements
These files are in SuperTABLE format. To use them, you need SuperTABLE on your PC. You can download it free from Space-Time Research at (then run the file to install it), or contact your organisation's Information Technology support area. For more information, please see SuperTABLE Help.
Data items | Operating businesses
Employment at end of June
Sales of goods and services
Cost of sales
Trading Profit
Interest income
Other operating income
Labour costs
Other operating expenses
Earnings before interest and tax
Interest expenses
Operating profit before tax
Current assets
Non-current assets
Total assets
Current liabilities
Non-current liabilities
Total liabilities
Net worth
Capital expenditure
Gross operating surplus
Industry gross product
Industry value added
Average employment
Average sales
Average income
Average expenses
Average profit
Average assets
Average net worth
Average gross product
Average value added
Industry ratios
Profit margin
Return on assets
Return on net worth
Long term debt to equity
Current ratio
Interest coverage
Investment rate (IGP)
Investment rate (IVA)
Business profitability
% of businesses to make a profit
% of businesses to break even
% of businesses to make a loss
Profit Margin - 3rd quartile, Median quartile, 1st quartile
Return on assets - 3rd quartile, Median quartile, 1st quartile
Return on networth - 3rd quartile, Median quartile, 1st quartile |
Time period | 1993-94 to 1999-2000 ( preliminary ) |
State | Australia |
Industry | ANZSIC subdivision |
Size | Small and medium businesses, Large businesses, All businesses |
| |