Australia Day content on ABS website, Jan 1999

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January 25, 1999
Embargoed: 11:30 AM (AEST)

Australia Day content on ABS website

As part of Australia Day celebrations the Australian Bureau of Statistics has created a special historical look at Australia on the Internet.

A number of special feature articles have been selected from various Australia Yearbooks published by the ABS ranging from the very first 1908 yearbook up to the present.

To coincide with Australia Day feature articles including the ones listed below will be posted to the ABS website tomorrow.

A Profile of Australia's Indigenous People (1996)
An Australian Republic - Issues and Options (1995)
Bushfires - An Integral Part of Australia's Environment (1995)
Changing Links with Europe (1998)
Climate Variability and El Nino (1998)
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (1998)
Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Australia (1995)
Government redistribution of income in Australia (1997)
Household adoption of digital technologies (1997)
Impact of the 1995-96 Farm Season on Australian Production (1998)
Natural resources in national balance sheets (1997)
Participation in Sport and Physical Activities (1998)
Poverty and Deprivation in Australia (1996)
The Federal Movement in Australia (1908)

The Australian Flag (1989)
The Mabo Case and the Native Title Act (1995)
Understanding the innovation process in manufacturing (1997)
Violence against Women (1998)

Women in small business (1997)

If media would like hard copy (or an electronic copy) of any of these feature articles please contact Carolyn Verey on phone (02) 6252 6139.