New ABS Award Recognises Libraries as Valuable Community Link, May 2005

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May 27, 2005
Embargoed: 11:30 AM (AEST)
New ABS Award Recognises Libraries as Valuable Community Link

The important information role that libraries play in Australian communities is being recognised by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) with the launch this week of a community library excellence award.

Over 500 libraries, each part of the ABS's Library Extension Program (LEP), will be eligible to participate. They will be assessed on how well their programs enable people to access ABS statistical information.

The LEP Excellence Award was launched in Canberra on 24th May by the Australian Statistician, Dennis Trewin, as part of ABS's centenary celebrations and Australian Library and Information Week.

"It is vital for the ABS to find trusted conduits to connect the Australian community to our information, and we’d like to reward these efforts," said Mr Trewin.

Executive Director of the Australian Library and Information Association, Jennefer Nicholson, commended ABS's initiative in setting up the award.

"This award is a great way to recognise the creative efforts many libraries put into raising awareness, understanding and use of ABS information," she said.

Since 1991 the Library Extension Program (LEP) has provided free community access to ABS statistics, enabling them to make more informed decisions.

An Australian Library and Information Association representative and a panel of ABS directors will determine the winning library, which will be awarded with a trophy and $1500 worth of ABS products and services.

The 2005 award covers initiatives undertaken between 1 January 2004 and 30 June 2005, with a winner to be announced after entries close in late July.

More details about the ABS Library Extension Program, including the location of member libraries can be found on this website.

Launch photos available on request from ABS Media & Public Affairs Unit.

This media release was distributed 26/5/2005.