Proceedings of the 55th Session of the International Statistical Institute now available
Last year the ABS hosted the 55th Session of the International Statistcal Institute in Sydney. The conference was very successful, with the final scientific program for the session including over 200 meetings, 1000 talks and over 1800 participants. Presentations at the ISI Session and its associated meetings and short courses covered a range of significant areas in the statistics field. Special theme days, with cutting edge presentations and papers, were held in the areas of Finance and Statistics, Environmental Statistics and Genomics. Highlights of the Session included talks by renowned mathematical biologist Lord Robert May, and econometrician and Nobel Laureate Sir Clive Granger.
The production of a set of proceedings following the Session was a major job in its own right and involved many ABS and MD staff. During the Session, MD staff attending acted as assistants or "Yellow Shirts" as they were fondly referred to - since they were clothed in highly noticable yellow shirts which made them recognisable to participants and staff at the convention centre. The Yellow Shirts acted as points of information for participants and also were responsible for keeping attendance and presentation records of each meeting, to ensure that the proceedings would include only those papers actually presented at the conference.
After the session, the Local Program Committee began the task of collecting and collating papers, discussion papers and presentation slides. The final proceedings contain over 1500 files which were all required to be indexed and linked. The ABS Marketing section produced the graphic design for the CDRom artwork.
The ABS also arranged for selected sessions in the scientific program to be recorded, and produced an additional DVD in complement to the Proceedings
Proceedings CDRoms are available from desk 4N103.
For further information please contact Jayne McQualter on (02) 6252 7320.