In February 2009, the balance of international merchandise trade (i.e. the value of exports less the value of imports) for Victoria was a deficit of $2,336m. The value of the state's merchandise exports was $1,607m, while merchandise imports totalled $3,944m. Compared with February 2008, Victoria's trade deficit in February 2009 was $535m (18.6%) lower, with a decline in the value of exports (down $175m, 9.8%) being more than offset by a larger fall in the value of imports (down $709m, or 15.2%). Victoria recorded an average monthly trade deficit of $3,200m for the 12 months ending February 2008.
At the national level, the value of imports was 0.2% lower in February 2009 than in February 2008, while the value of exports (including re-exports) was 38.8% higher between these two months.

For the year ended February 2009, Victoria's trade deficit was $38,406m, an increase of $4,617m (13.7%) over the year ended February 2008. A rise of $5,595m (10.3%) in the value of the state's imports was partly offset by a rise of $978m (4.8%) in the value of exports.
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