5365.0 - Information Paper: Upgraded Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics, 1997  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 24/11/1997   
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Contains details of the changes to be made to balance of payments and international investment position statistics resulting from the implementation of new international statistical standards from September quarter 1997. It includes a brief description of the new statistical framework, a comparison with existing frameworks, and details of the changes to be made in the next releases of balance of payments and international investment statistics. Also includes tables showing data compiled on the new basis for the periods and series covered by the June quarter 1997 issues of 5302.0 and 5306.0 and by the September month 1997 issue of 5368.0. Historical series for the main aggregates will also be provided.

This product is produced in Printed publication format on a Irregular basis.
Issue Details
First Issue: 1997
Latest Issue: 1997 was released on 24/11/1997

Price: $10.00
95 pp
ISBN: 0 642 23261 X