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Information in this section has been compiled from data reported in the Household Use of Information Technology, Australia, 2012-13 (cat. no. 8146.0) module of the 2012-13 Multipurpose Household Survey.
Across Australia, over 14.8 million persons accessed the internet at home in the 12 months prior to interview. Cultural activities such as watching movies and listening to music were popular, with 58% of those accessing the internet performing these activities in 2012-13. Over a third (41%) of persons downloaded videos, movies and music while on the internet. Persons in younger age groups performed these activities at a higher rate than older persons, with 86% of 15 to 17 year olds listening to music or watching videos or movies online compared with 23% of those aged 65 year and over. Persons living in rural areas were less likely to listen to music or watch videos or movies online than those living in urban areas (43% and 60% respectively).
Additional information is available in Table 7 of the Personal internet use datacube located under the Downloads tab.
In 2012-13, over 11.6 million persons purchased or ordered goods or services over the internet for private purposes. Cultural products purchased over the internet included CDs, music DVDs, videos, books and magazines. Of those who purchased goods or services over the internet, 50% had purchased these cultural products. A higher proportion of persons living in the Australian Capital Territory (63%) had purchased these cultural products over the internet, than in any other state or territory.