1351.0.55.047 - Research Paper: Assessing the Quality of Different Data Linking Methodologies Across Time, Using Tasmanian Government School Enrolment Data, Mar 2014  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 21/03/2014  First Issue
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This feasibility study contributes to the findings of the ABS Research Paper, "Assessing the Quality of Different Data Linking Methodologies Across Time, Using Northern Territory Government School Enrolment Data", by providing additional evidence on the quality and accuracy of using the Statistical Linkage Key (SLK) 581 as a linkage method for education and training data integration projects. This study involved linkage of 2006 to 2011 Tasmanian school enrolment data using two deterministic linking methods:
· linking with Student ID, and
· linking with SLK.
This study confirms the accuracy of the SLK linking method for linking data longitudinally across six years of government school data. The high level of accuracy (97.5%) achieved using the SLK linking method indicates that the SLK would be a good quality linking method for education and training data integration projects, and would provide a feasible alternative to linking using Student ID.

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Issue Details
First Issue: Mar 2014
Latest Issue: Mar 2014

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