3307.0.55.001 - Divorces, Australia, 2007 Quality Declaration
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 29/08/2008 Final
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Applicant The applicant is the person applying for divorce. Applications for divorce may be made by the husband or wife individually, or as a joint application. Children Children in the divorce collection are defined as unmarried children of the marriage who were aged under 18 years at the time of application for divorce. Under the Family Law Act 1975 these may include adopted and exnuptial children and children from a former marriage. Children who are either married or aged 18 years or over are not subject to custody and guardianship orders and are therefore excluded. Crude divorce rate The crude divorce rate is the number of divorces granted during the calendar year per 1,000 estimated resident population at 30 June. For years prior to 1992, the crude divorce rate was based on the mean estimated resident population of the calendar year rather than at 30 June. Date of application Date at which application for divorce was made. Date of divorce Date at which decree nisi is made absolute (final) and the marriage is dissolved. Date of separation The date of separation is the date, given on the application for divorce, from which the period of living apart is calculated for the purpose of establishing grounds for a divorce. In determining the date of separation, a single period of resumed cohabitation of less than three months may be ignored, provided the periods of living apart before and after resumed cohabitation amount to a total of 12 months or more. Decree made absolute Once the Court is satisfied that a twelve month separation period has passed and proper arrangements have been made for any children, it will grant a decree nisi. The decree nisi automatically becomes absolute (final) one month later and is sent to the parties in the mail. Technically the parties are still married until the order becomes absolute, and they cannot remarry until then. This waiting period can be shortened in cases of urgency or hardship. The court may rescind the decree nisi before it becomes absolute if the parties have become reconciled or if the court is satisfied that there has been a miscarriage of justice. Otherwise, the marriage is dissolved when the decree becomes absolute, and either party may marry again. Length of marriage to divorce Length of marriage to divorce is the interval measured in completed years between the date of marriage and the date of divorce. Length of marriage to separation Length of marriage to separation is the interval measured in completed years between the date of marriage and the date of separation. Estimated resident population (ERP) The official measure of the population of Australia is based on the concept of residence. It refers to all people, regardless of nationality or citizenship, who usually live in Australia, with the exception of foreign diplomatic personnel and their families. It includes usual residents who are overseas for less than 12 months. It excludes overseas visitors who are in Australia for less than 12 months. Median value For any distribution, the median value (e.g. age, length, interval) is that value which divides the relevant population into two equal parts, half falling below the value and half exceeding it. Where the value for a particular record has not been stated, that record is excluded from the calculation. Medians for grouped data (e.g. age in whole year age groups) are calculated as the value which divides the population into two equal parts, assuming that all observations within the group are evenly distributed across the range. This is applied using the following formula: Median = L + I x (N/2-F)/f Where:
I = width of the interval containing the median N = total number of respondents F = cumulative frequency corresponding to the lower limit f = number of cases in the interval containing the median State and territory data State and territory data are tabulated based on the state or territory in which the court granting divorce is located (see paragraphs 20-25 of the Explanatory Notes for more detail). Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.