
Local Government Area populations and median ages - Queensland
 |  |  |
LGA name (a) | Estimated resident population | Median age |
 | at June 2006 (preliminary) | at June 2005 (revised) |
Aramac (S) | 740 | 38.4 |
Atherton (S) | 11,574 | 40.9 |
Aurukun (S) | 1,168 | 30.0 |
Badu (IC) | np | np |
Balonne (S) | 5,668 | 32.9 |
Bamaga (IC) | np | np |
Banana (S) | 14,596 | 36.2 |
Barcaldine (S) | 1,711 | 34.6 |
Barcoo (S) | 465 | 37.3 |
Bauhinia (S) | 2,269 | 36.0 |
Beaudesert (S) | 61,592 | 35.9 |
Belyando (S) | 11,022 | 32.7 |
Bendemere (S) | 1,002 | 38.1 |
Biggenden (S) | 1,577 | 46.6 |
Blackall (S) | 1,608 | 38.6 |
Boigu (IC) | np | np |
Boonah (S) | 8,669 | 42.1 |
Booringa (S) | 1,835 | 38.9 |
Boulia (S) | 555 | 30.8 |
Bowen (S) | 12,625 | 40.0 |
Brisbane (C) | 989,152 | 35.1 |
Broadsound (S) | 6,858 | 34.9 |
Bulloo (S) | 468 | 34.4 |
Bundaberg (C) | 47,451 | 38.1 |
Bungil (S) | 1,970 | 40.1 |
LGA name | Estimated resident population | Median age |
 | at June 2006 (preliminary) | at June 2005 (revised) |
Burdekin (S) | 18,911 | 36.9 |
Burke (S) | 496 | 30.9 |
Burnett (S) | 27,856 | 41.2 |
Caboolture (S) | 134,820 | 36.6 |
Cairns (C) | 132,765 | 34.2 |
Calliope (S) | 17,039 | 35.9 |
Caloundra (C) | 92,309 | 41.8 |
Cambooya (S) | 5,935 | 33.8 |
Cardwell (S) | 11,410 | 38.3 |
Carpentaria (S) | 2,341 | 31.2 |
Charters Towers (C) | 8,847 | 32.2 |
Cherbourg (S) | np | np |
Chinchilla (S) | 6,316 | 37.8 |
Clifton (S) | 2,560 | 42.4 |
Cloncurry (S) | 3,890 | 30.4 |
Cook (S) | 4,157 | 37.8 |
Cooloola (S) | 37,513 | 40.2 |
Crow's Nest (S) | 12,950 | 38.0 |
Croydon (S) | 295 | 34.1 |
Dalby (T) | 10,536 | 33.3 |
Dalrymple (S) | 3,483 | 37.6 |
Dauan (IC) | np | np |
Diamantina (S) | 305 | 36.3 |
Doomadgee (S) | np | np |
Douglas (S) | 11,771 | 35.8 |
LGA name | Estimated resident population | Median age |
 | at June 2006 (preliminary) | at June 2005 (revised) |
Duaringa (S) | 6,838 | 31.6 |
Eacham (S) | 6,262 | 42.6 |
Eidsvold (S) | 926 | 41.4 |
Emerald (S) | 13,842 | 31.4 |
Erub (IC) | np | np |
Esk (S) | 15,867 | 40.6 |
Etheridge (S) | 1,041 | 40.1 |
Fitzroy (S) | 10,605 | 35.1 |
Flinders (S) | 1,962 | 34.8 |
Gatton (S) | 16,751 | 35.8 |
Gayndah (S) | 2,928 | 35.9 |
Gladstone (C) | 29,288 | 33.0 |
Gold Coast (C) | 497,568 | 37.4 |
Goondiwindi (T) | 5,062 | 34.6 |
Hammond (IC) | np | np |
Herberton (S) | 5,498 | 41.9 |
Hervey Bay (C) | 54,457 | 43.7 |
Hinchinbrook (S) | 12,265 | 41.9 |
Hope Vale (S) | np | np |
Iama (IC) | np | np |
Ilfracombe (S) | 355 | 33.9 |
Inglewood (S) | 2,672 | 41.6 |
Injinoo (S) | np | np |
Ipswich (C) | 145,411 | 33.1 |
Isis (S) | 6,387 | 46.1 |
LGA name | Estimated resident population | Median age |
 | at June 2006 (preliminary) | at June 2005 (revised) |
Isisford (S) | 306 | 41.8 |
Jericho (S) | 1,112 | 34.8 |
Johnstone (S) | 19,168 | 38.4 |
Jondaryan (S) | 14,650 | 35.0 |
Kilcoy (S) | 3,628 | 40.6 |
Kilkivan (S) | 3,353 | 42.8 |
Kingaroy (S) | 12,885 | 36.4 |
Kolan (S) | 4,659 | 43.3 |
Kowanyama (S) | np | np |
Kubin (IC) | np | np |
Laidley (S) | 14,481 | 38.3 |
Livingstone (S) | 29,460 | 38.9 |
Lockhart River (S) | np | np |
Logan (C) | 176,855 | 32.1 |
Longreach (S) | 3,951 | 32.4 |
Mabuiag (IC) | np | np |
Mackay (C) | 84,856 | 35.1 |
McKinlay (S) | 1,017 | 35.0 |
Mapoon (S) | np | np |
Mareeba (S) | 19,070 | 38.9 |
Maroochy (S) | 149,232 | 39.5 |
Maryborough (C) | 25,919 | 41.3 |
Mer (IC) | np | np |
Millmerran (S) | 3,537 | 38.4 |
Mirani (S) | 5,585 | 37.1 |
LGA name | Estimated resident population | Median age |
 | at June 2006 (preliminary) | at June 2005 (revised) |
Miriam Vale (S) | 5,763 | 43.4 |
Monto (S) | 2,523 | 44.1 |
Mornington (S) | 1,044 | 25.9 |
Mount Isa (C) | 21,421 | 30.3 |
Mount Morgan (S) | 2,979 | 46.0 |
Mundubbera (S) | 2,311 | 39.2 |
Murgon (S) | 3,875 | 35.3 |
Murilla (S) | 2,783 | 42.2 |
Murweh (S) | 4,995 | 34.2 |
Nanango (S) | 8,814 | 44.0 |
Napranum (S) | np | np |
Nebo (S) | 2,190 | 32.4 |
New Mapoon (S) | np | np |
Noosa (S) | 48,660 | 42.5 |
Palm Island (S) | np | np |
Paroo (S) | 2,124 | 36.9 |
Peak Downs (S) | 3,389 | 31.1 |
Perry (S) | 447 | 41.9 |
Pine Rivers (S) | 148,529 | 33.6 |
Pittsworth (S) | 5,030 | 34.6 |
Pormpuraaw (S) | np | np |
Poruma (IC) | np | np |
Quilpie (S) | 1,079 | 36.6 |
Redcliffe (C) | 53,657 | 42.5 |
Redland (S) | 132,179 | 37.8 |
LGA name | Estimated resident population | Median age |
 | at June 2006 (preliminary) | at June 2005 (revised) |
Richmond (S) | 1,151 | 34.0 |
Rockhampton (C) | 60,730 | 34.6 |
Roma (T) | 6,887 | 32.7 |
Rosalie (S) | 9,397 | 36.0 |
Saibai (IC) | np | np |
St Pauls (IC) | np | np |
Sarina (S) | 10,316 | 37.4 |
Seisia (IC) | np | np |
Stanthorpe (S) | 10,596 | 41.8 |
Tambo (S) | 640 | 43.3 |
Tara (S) | 3,938 | 38.2 |
Taroom (S) | 2,539 | 38.8 |
Thuringowa (C) | 61,655 | 31.1 |
Tiaro (S) | 5,396 | 42.4 |
Toowoomba (C) | 97,284 | 34.1 |
Torres (S) | 3,827 | 28.0 |
Townsville (C) | 103,404 | 33.1 |
Ugar (IC) | np | np |
Umagico (S) | np | np |
Waggamba (S) | 3,075 | 35.2 |
Wambo (S) | 5,446 | 40.4 |
Warraber (IC) | np | np |
Warroo (S) | 1,067 | 43.0 |
Warwick (S) | 22,124 | 38.4 |
Weipa (T) | 2,364 | 30.9 |
LGA name | Estimated resident population | Median age |
 | at June 2006 (preliminary) | at June 2005 (revised) |
Whitsunday (S) | 18,120 | 36.2 |
Winton (S) | 1,519 | 38.5 |
Wondai (S) | 4,559 | 41.2 |
Woocoo (S) | 3,352 | 40.2 |
Woorabinda (S) | np | np |
Wujal Wujal (S) | np | np |
Yarrabah (S) | np | np |
Yorke (IC) | np | np |
Unincorporated Qld | - | - |
 |  |  |
Total Queensland | 4,053,444 | 35.9 |
 |  |  |
 |  |  |
(C) City |  |  |
(IC) Island Council |  |  |
(S) Shire |  |  |
(T) Town |  |  |
 |  |  |
(a) The ABS has been unable to estimate population change from June 2002 onwards for a number of Indigenous Council areas in Queensland introduced to the ASGC since the 2001 Census. This may have an impact on population estimates for the remaining areas. Population estimates for these areas for June 2005 and 2006 are denoted 'np' (not for publication). The latest available estimates for these areas can be found in the spreadsheets available under the Details tab of this issue. For more information see paragraphs 25 to 30 of the Explanatory Notes.
Source: Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2005-06 (ABS cat. no. 3218.0) and Population by Age and Sex, Queensland (ABS cat. no. 3235.3.55.001).