Sex | Male, Female |
At 30 June | 2002-2051 (annually) |
Part of state | Capital City/Balance of State |
Age | Single year of age (0,1,2....,84,85+) |
Series | A, B, C |
Using this dataset with SuperTABLE
When creating your own table from this SuperTABLE you must select at least one value from each of the following fields:
- Part of state,
- At 30 June, and
- Projection series.
Failure to do this will result in incorrect data in your table.
Table for validation purposes:
Projected Population by Capital City/Balance of State, Series B |
Area | At 30 June 2002(a) | At 30 June 2051 |
Sydney | 4,170,917 | 5,652,507 |
Balance of New South Wales | 2,469,438 | 2,703,059 |
Melbourne | 3,524,093 | 4,792,816 |
Balance of Victoria | 1,348,445 | 1,407,117 |
Brisbane | 1,689,101 | 3,018,456 |
Balance of Queensland | 2,018,074 | 3,411,226 |
Adelaide | 1,114,321 | 1,134,598 |
Balance of South Australia | 405,921 | 340,987 |
Perth | 1,413,614 | 2,235,184 |
Balance of Western Australia | 513,708 | 639,321 |
Hobart | 198,037 | 175,688 |
Balance of Tasmania | 274,688 | 210,814 |
Darwin | 107,419 | 199,344 |
Balance of Northern Territory | 90,594 | 107,800 |
ACT | 321,819 | 389,646 |
Other Territories | 2,592 | 2,978 |
(a) Capital City/Balance of State data uses 2001 estimated resident population as the base population, therefore 2002 data are projected. |