Time Series Spreadsheets |
TABLE 1. Credit Market Outstandings ($ million) |
TABLE 2. Demand for Credit ($ million) |
TABLE 3. National Capital Account, Current prices ($ million) |
TABLE 4. National Financial Assets and Liabilities ($ million) |
TABLE 5. Non-Financial Corporations Capital Account, Current prices ($ million) |
TABLE 6. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Non-Financial Corporations ($ million) |
TABLE 7. Private Non-Financial Corporations Capital Account, Current prices ($ million) |
TABLE 8. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Private Non-Financial Corporations ($ million) |
TABLE 9. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Private Non-Financial Investment Funds ($ million) |
TABLE 10. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Other Private Non-Financial Corporations ($ million) |
TABLE 11. Public Non-Financial Corporations Capital Account, Current prices ($ million) |
TABLE 12. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Public Non-Financial Corporations ($ million) |
TABLE 13. Financial Corporations Capital Account, Current prices ($ million) |
TABLE 14. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Financial Corporations ($ million) |
TABLE 15. Financial Assets and Liabilities of the Central Bank ($ million) |
TABLE 16. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Banks ($ million) |
TABLE 17. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Other Depository Corporations ($ million) |
TABLE 18. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Pension Funds ($ million) |
TABLE 19. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Life Insurance Corporations ($ million) |
TABLE 20. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Non-Life Insurance Corporations ($ million) |
TABLE 21. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Money Market Financial Investment Funds ($ million) |
TABLE 22. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Non-Money Market Financial Investment Funds ($ million) |
TABLE 23. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Central Borrowing Authorities ($ million) |
TABLE 24. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Securitisers ($ million) |
TABLE 25. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Other Financial Corporations ($ million) |
TABLE 26. General Government Capital Account, Current prices ($ million) |
TABLE 27. Financial Assets and Liabilities of General Government ($ million) |
TABLE 28. National General Government Capital Account, Current prices ($ million) |
TABLE 29. Financial Assets and Liabilities of National General Government ($ million) |
TABLE 30. State and Local General Government Capital Account, Current prices ($ million) |
TABLE 31. Financial Assets and Liabilities of State and Local General Government ($ million) |
TABLE 32. Household Capital Account, Current prices ($ million) |
TABLE 33. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Households ($ million) |
TABLE 34. Household Balance Sheet, Current prices ($ billion) |
TABLE 35. Analytical Measures of Household Income, Consumption, Saving and Wealth, Current prices ($ billion) |
TABLE 36. Rest of World Capital Account, Current prices ($ million) |
TABLE 37. Financial Assets and Liabilities of Rest of World ($ million) |
TABLE 38. The Currency Market ($ million) |
TABLE 39. The Transferable Deposits Market ($ million) |
TABLE 40. The Other Deposits Market ($ million) |
TABLE 41. The Bills of Exchange Market ($ million) |
TABLE 42. The One Name Paper Market ($ million) |
TABLE 43. The Bonds Market ($ million) |
TABLE 44. The Derivatives and Employee Stock Options Market ($ million) |
TABLE 45. The Short Term Loans and Placements Market ($ million) |
TABLE 46. The Long Term Loans and Placements Market ($ million) |
TABLE 47. The Listed Shares and Other Equity Market ($ million) |
TABLE 48. The Unlisted Shares and Other Equity Market ($ million) |
TABLE 49. Accounts Payable/Receivable ($ million) |
TABLE 50. Financial Accounts Summary of Bank Deposits and Lending Split by Household Subsectors ($ million) |
TABLE 51. Financial Accounts Summary of Loan Outstandings to Households for Housing by Type of Lending Institution ($ million) |
All Time Series Spreadsheets |