In 2011-12, there were 198 Acute and psychiatric hospitals with operating theatres, down from 200 in 2010-11. These hospitals contained a total of 1,051 operating theatres, 6 more than in 2010-11. New South Wales had 31.0% of Australia's operating theatres, while 24.7% were in Victoria, and 20.9% were in Queensland. The average number of sessions per operating theatre per week was 8.6. On average, 33.8 hours of theatre time per theatre per week were used across Australia, with New South Wales recording the highest average at 35.6 hours.
Generally the more operating theatres a state had, the more operating theatre and recovery room nurses were employed in that state. In 2011-12, the number of nurses per theatre was 6.4. The numbers varied across states from with the highest in Queensland (7.5).
TABLE 2.8: PRIVATE ACUTE AND PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALS, Operating theatres—States and territories—2011–12 (a)
 | NSW | Vic. | Qld | SA | WA | Tas., NT & ACT(b) | Aus. |
Hospitals with operating theatres (no.) | 62 | 52 | 39 | 19 | 18 | 8 | 198 |
Operating theatres(c) (no.) | 326 | 260 | 220 | 90 | np | np | 1 051 |
Average number of sessions (d) | 8.4 | 9.3 | 8.0 | 8.4 | np | np | 8.6 |
Average theatre time used (hours) (d) | 35.6 | 34.7 | 30.4 | 32.0 | np | np | 33.8 |
Nurses (no.)(e) | 1 903 | 1 842 | 1 650 | 566 | np | np | 6 766 |
np not available for publication but included in totals where applicable, unless otherwise indicated
(a) Information for the last week of the pay period ending on or before 30 June 2012.
(b) Tasmania, the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory have been aggregated to protect the confidentiality of the small number of hospitals in these states/territories.
(c) Includes day surgery theatres.
(d) Per theatre per week.
(e) Nurses utilised in operating theatres and associated recovery rooms. |
In 2011-12, there were 34 Acute and psychiatric hospitals in Australia which offered accident and emergency services. This was a decrease of 3 hospitals when compared to 2010-11, and a decrease of 14,400 (2.8%) occasions of service.
In 2011-12 there were 2.1 million occasions of service in non-admitted patients services in Acute and psychiatric private hospitals in Australia, a decrease of 2.9% from 2010-11. Of these the most common services provided were Allied health services (602,300 occasions of service), Accident and emergency (530,600), and Pathology (249,800).
TABLE 2.9: PRIVATE ACUTE AND PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALS, Non-admitted patient services—2011–12
 |  | Number of hospitals | Occasions of service |
 |  | no. | '000 |
Accident and emergency(a) | 34 | 530.6 |
Medical/surgical/diagnostic |
 | Radiology and organ imaging | 8 | 127.3 |
 | Pathology | 6 | 249.8 |
 | Other | 26 | 195.0 |
Mental health | 10 | np |
Alcohol and drug | np | np |
Pharmacy | np | np |
Allied health services | 32 | 602.3 |
Outreach services |
 | Community Health services | 7 | 4.8 |
 | District nursing services | np | np |
 | Other outreach services | 7 | 20.1 |
Other | 23 | 203.2 |
Total(b) | 94 | 2 099.8 |
np not available for publication but included in totals where applicable, unless otherwise indicated.
(a) Including hospitals which do not have a formal accident and emergency unit but which treated accident and emergency patients during the year.
(b) Not every hospital has specialised units or wards, however some hospitals have more than one type of specialised unit or ward and so are counted in more than one row. |