Changes to Overseas Arrivals and Departures Release Format
A number of changes were introduced to the release format of Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia (cat. no. 3401.0) as of the August 2004 issue (released 14 October 2004). Changes included the introduction of four new tables (tables 3, 4, 7 and 8). These tables present trend and seasonally adjusted estimates for short-term visitor arrivals and resident departures by selected countries of residence/destination. The key figures, key points, main features and time periods presented in tables 3 to 12 were are redesigned to encourage better use of overseas arrivals and departures time-series estimates.
In most circumstances the ABS recommends the use of trend estimates in the analysis and interpretation of short-term overseas arrivals and departures estimates, particularly when making comparisons over time. This is because original estimates are influenced by seasonal and irregular factors that can distort interpretations in the fundamental direction of the series. The trend series removes such influences. The ABS encourages users of overseas arrivals and departures statistics to read the ABS Demography Working Paper 2004/02 – Interpretation and Use of Overseas Arrivals and Departures Estimates (cat. no. 3106.55.001).
For further information about the changes to the Overseas Arrivals and Departures release format, contact Chrissy Beruldsen on (02) 6252 5640 or email