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When comparing migrants born in MESC with people born in Australia, migrants born in MESC had a higher attendance rate at cultural venues or events (90%), than people born in Australia (86%). People born in Australia were more likely to attend at least one sporting event (50%), than migrants born in MESC (42%) and migrants born in non-MESC (21%). PROFICIENCY IN SPOKEN ENGLISH The 2006 GSS asked all respondents how proficient they were at speaking English. All respondents born in Australia and all migrants born in MESC reported being proficient in spoken English. However, whilst the majority of migrants born in non-MESC (82%) reported being proficient in English, 16% reported that they spoke English "Not well" and 2% "Not at all". For the purposes of this article, people who reported speaking English "Not well" or "Not at all" have been combined into one group; not proficient in spoken English. Attendance and participation rates for migrants born in non-MESC were further analysed, based on proficiency in spoken English. Results show that in the 12 months prior to interview in 2006:
ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION OF NON-MESC MIGRANTS IN SELECTED ACTIVITIES (a), By proficiency in spoken English - 12 months prior to interview in 2006 Results suggest that proficiency in spoken English is a significant factor in attendance and participation. To investigate further, attendance and participation rates were compared for migrants born in MESC (where 100% of respondents reported being proficient in English) and migrants born in non-MESC who reported being proficient in English. Results showed that in the 12 months prior to interview in 2006:
These results suggest that it is not only proficiency in spoken English or whether a migrant came from a MESC or non-MESC country which affects attendance and participation rates, but rather a combination of both. ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION OF MIGRANTS PROFICIENT IN SPOKEN ENGLISH IN SELECTED ACTIVITIES (a), by country of birth - 12 months prior to interview in 2006 YEAR OF ARRIVAL IN AUSTRALIA According to MPHS results, recent migrants (those that arrived in Australia between 2001 and 2006) were more likely to have attended at least one cultural venue or event in the previous 12 months (92%), compared with migrants who arrived in Australia prior to 2001 (80%). However, there were no significant differences between recent migrants and less recent migrants when comparing attendance at sporting events or participation in sports and physical recreation. Recent migrants born in MESC were more likely to attend at least one cultural venue or event, and to attend at least one sporting event than migrants born in MESC who arrived prior to 2001. Interestingly, there was no significant difference between these groups for participation in sport and physical recreation. Similarly, there was a difference between recent migrants born in non-MESC and those who arrived prior to 2001, when comparing attendance at cultural venues and events. Recent migrants born in non-MESC reported significantly higher attendance rates at cultural venues and events (88%), compared with less recent migrants born in non-MESC (74%). There was no significant difference between the two groups when looking at attendance at sporting events or participation in sports and physical recreation. A larger proportion of recent migrants born in MESC attended at least one cultural venue or event (99.6%) than people born in Australia (86.3%). There were no significant differences between attendance rates at sporting events and participation rates in sport and physical recreation for these population groups. These results indicate that recent migrants are more likely to attend cultural venues and events than migrants who have been in Australia for a longer period of time. ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION IN SELECTED ACTIVITIES (a), By country of birth and year of arrival group - 12 months prior to interview - 2005-06 TYPES OF CULTURAL VENUES AND EVENTS Results from the 2005-06 MPHS show that migrants born in MESC had a higher attendance rate for at least one cultural venue or event (90%) than people born in Australia (86%), and migrants born in non-MESC (76%). This section investigates whether there is a similar pattern in attendance rates for each of the twelve selected cultural venues and events. Results show that people born in Australia had significantly higher attendance rates than migrants for seven out of the twelve selected cultural venues and events (Art galleries, Zoological parks and aquariums, Popular music concerts, Theatre performances, Dance performances, Musicals and operas and Cinemas). Migrants reported higher attendance rates than people born in Australia for Botanic gardens, Libraries and Classical music concerts, while there was no significant difference for Museums or Other performing arts. Migrants born in MESC were most likely to attend the Cinema, than any other cultural venue or event, with 67% reporting attendance in the 12 months prior to interview in 2005-06. Other activities that had a large proportion of attendees born in MESC were Libraries (42%), Botanic gardens and Zoological parks and aquariums (both 41%). Similarly to migrants born in MESC and people born in Australia, migrants born in non-MESC were more likely to attend a Cinema than any other cultural venue or event, with 51% of migrants born in non-MESC attending in the 12 months prior to interview in 2005-06. Other popular activities with migrants born in non-MESC included visiting Botanic gardens 33%, Libraries 32% and Zoological parks and aquariums (30%). PARTICIPATION TRENDS FOR CHILDREN WHO ARE MIGRANTS In contrast to adults, the settlement process can be quite different for children and young people. Children usually attend a mainstream school which can assist them to learn the new language faster. This can therefore assist in an easier integration into their new life. School also offers opportunities to make friends and often gives young people a broader social network, through opportunities to participate in sports teams and other recreational activities (Wilson 1998). As previously mentioned, results for people aged 15 years and over show that migrants born in MESC had a higher attendance rate for at least one cultural venue or event (90%) than people born in Australia (86%), and migrants from non-MESC (76%). The following section of the article looks at children's participation in cultural and sporting activities to investigate whether participation rates for children show a similar pattern to adults. Children's participation by country of birth In the 12 months prior to April 2006, around one-third (33%) of children born in Australia took part in at least one of four selected cultural activities (playing a musical instrument, singing, dancing or drama). Of children born in a main English-speaking country (other than Australia), 35% took part in these cultural activities, a significantly higher participation rate than for children born in non-MESC (26%). About half (49%) of children born in non-MESC participated in organised sport during the same period, which was significantly less than the participation rate for children born in MESC and Australian born children, with almost two thirds participating (both 64%). There was no significant difference in participation rates for children born in Australia and children born in MESC for either cultural activities or sport. CHILDREN'S PARTICIPATION IN CULTURAL ACTIVITIES AND SPORT (a), By country of birth - 12 months prior to interview in 2006 Children's participation in selected cultural activities In 2006, the most popular cultural activity for children to participate in was playing a musical instrument, with 20% of all children participating in this activity in the 12 months prior to interview in April 2006. Dancing was the second most popular activity, with 13% of all children participating. When comparing cultural participation of children born in MESC and children born in non-MESC, it was found that children born in MESC had significantly higher participation rates than children born in non-MESC in three out of four selected activities (there was no significant difference for Playing a musical instrument). Interestingly, children born in MESC had significantly higher participation rates for Singing and Drama (8% and 6% respectively) than Australian born children (6% and 5% respectively), however there was no difference found for Playing a musical instrument or Dancing. Children born in Australia showed significantly higher participation rates for Dancing (13%) in comparison to children born in non-MESC (5%), with no significant differences shown for the other activities (Playing a musical instrument, Singing and Drama). TYPES OF CULTURAL ACTIVITIES PARTICIPATED IN BY CHILDREN (a), By country of birth - 12 months prior to interview in 2006 CHILDREN'S PARTICIPATION BY PARENTS' COUNTRY OF BIRTH For children born in Australia, those with both parents born in non-MESC were less likely to participate in either cultural or sporting activities compared with those children whose parents were both born in Australia and those whose parents were both born in MESC. There was no significant difference between participation rates for Australian-born children whose parents were born in MESC and those whose parents were born in Australia. Therefore, it is not only the child's country of birth which impacts on participation rates, but also whether their parents were born in MESC or not. Similarly to adults, children born in non-MESC, or children born in Australia whose parents were born in non-MESC are less likely to participate in cultural and sporting activities. PARTICIPATION IN CULTURAL ACTIVITIES AND SPORT, By children born in Australia (a), By parents' country of birth - 12 months prior to interview in 2006 LIST OF REFERENCES Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2006, Migration, Australia, 2006-07, cat. no. 3412.0, ABS, Canberra. Commonwealth of Australia 2003, Multicultural Australia: United in Diversity (Updating the 1999 New Agenda for Multicultural Australia: Strategic directions for 2003-2006), Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. Costantoura, P, Saatchi and Saatchi Australia 2000, Australians and the arts: A report to the Australia Council from Saatchi & Saatchi Australia, Australia Council, Sydney. Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) 2003, Healthy Weight 2008: Australia’s Future - The National Action Agenda for Children and Young People and Their Families, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. Accessed August 2008, Keogh, V 2002, Multicultural Sport: Sustaining an Even Playing Field, Centre for Multicultural Youth Issues, Melbourne. Mills, D and Brown, P 2004, Art and Wellbeing, Australia Council, Sydney. National Multicultural Advisory Council 1999, Australian Multiculturalism for a New Century: Towards Inclusiveness, April 1999, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. Accessed August 2008, Productivity Commission 2006, Economic Impacts of Migration and Population Growth, Final Report, April 2006, Productivity Commission, Melbourne. Richardson, S, Miller-Lewis, L, Ngo, P, Ilsley, D 2002, Life in a New Land: The Experience of Migrants in Wave 1 of LSIA1 and LSIA2, Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (DIMIA), Canberra. Accessed August 2008, Staricoff, R 2004, Arts in health: a review of the medical literature, Arts Council England, London. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division 2002, International Migration Report 2002, United Nations, New York. Accessed August 2008, Wilson, S 1998, Sport: Creating a Level Playing Field, Centre for Multicultural Youth Issues, Melbourne. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.