Crime and Safety Survey (CSS)
The Crime and Safety Survey (CSS) has historically been an irregular collection conducted as a supplementary topic to the Labour Force Survey. The CSS is currently under review. Subject to the outcomes of this review the frequency, content and survey vehicle may change. The CSS collects information from individuals and households about their experience of selected crimes, their perception of problems in their neighbourhood and their feelings of safety.
The CSS aims to measure the extent of crime in our community, including the number of persons and households victimised and the number of crimes reported to police.
The most recent CSS (2005) focused on categories of more serious crime occurring in the 12 months prior to the survey that affect the largest number of people: household break-in and attempted break-in, motor vehicle theft, assault (including sexual assault for persons aged 18 years and over) and robbery. It also provides information on the socioeconomic profile of victims and non-victims, and the characteristics of offences and offenders. Detailed information was collected about the most recent incident experienced by the victim, including whether the incident was reported to the police and whether the victim was physically injured. Data items contained within these topics are capable of being cross classified with Data Items Relevant to Migrants and Ethnicity.
Previous national surveys were conducted in 1975, 1983, 1993 and 1998.
A number of one-off and irregular surveys based on the national CSS have been conducted for individual states. These include:
- Country of birth
Note: Country of birth is collected as a core data item in the Labour Force Survey. Although individual country of birth is collected, standard outputs for this data item are usually aggregated to one of the formats below:
- Born in Australia
- Born overseas
- Born in main English-speaking countries
- Born in other than main English-speaking countries
- Born in Australia
- Born overseas
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Americas
- Southern and Central Asia
- North-East Asia
- South-East Asia
- North Africa and the Middle East
- Southern and Eastern Europe
- North-West Europe
- Oceania and Antarctica
- Period of arrival (for overseas born)
- Arrived 1971 to 1980
- Arrived 1981 to 1990
- Arrived 1991 to 2000
- Arrived 2001 to survey date
A full list of data items collected for the CSS is available in
Crime and Safety, Australia, Apr 2005 (cat. no. 4509.0).
For further details on scope, geographic coverage, data availability and publications, methodology, classifications and concepts visit the
Crime and Safety Survey entry in the
Directory of Statistical Sources.
Migrant Data Matrices provide a link to summary data on migrants from the
Crime and Safety Survey. The data items included in each datacube are not exhaustive, but rather a selection of the data available. Care must be taken in comparing data from different collections presented in the Matrices due to differences in survey methodology, definitions and reference periods.
Additional data are also available in the publication
Crime and Safety, Australia, Apr 2005 (cat. no. 4509
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the
National Information and Referral Service.
Phone: 1300 135 070
Fax: 1300 135 211
Post: Client Services, ABS, GPO Box 796, Sydney 1041
Email: and you will be contacted within two working days.