The following 2006 Census Tables templates are provided as a guide to the product which will be available when the data from 2006 Census is released. The templates may be downloaded free of charge from the Details tab.
The Census Tables product is designed for clients who are interested in either data on a particular geographic area, or data on a specific topic. Each of the available tables contain key Census characteristics of persons, families and dwellings, covering most topics on the Census form. These tables are designed to assist in researching, planning and analysing topical issues or geographic areas, enabling comparisons to be made between different areas on a number of social, economic and demographic variables.
Clients will be prompted to select a geographic area, or a topic from a static topic listing, they will then select the table of interest. Once selections are complete they will be presented with the table.These tables will be sourced from the 2006 Community Profile tables and the Census Tables. Tables will only be available for the same geographic area for which the profile is released. For example, if a client requires a topic at CD level they will only be able to access tables from the Basic Community or Place of Enumeration profile as these are the only profiles produced at CD level.