1100.2 - Statistics Victoria, Dec 2007  
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Australian Demographic Statistics, Jun 2007. (cat. no. 3101.0). Released 04/12/2007

The estimated resident population of Victoria at end June 2007 was 5,205,200 persons, an increase of 76,900 (1.5%) for the year. The Australian population grew by 1.5% during the 12 months, with natural increase and net overseas migration contributing 44% and 56% respectively to this growth. Western Australia (2.3%) and Queensland (2.2%) recorded the largest proportional annual gains and Tasmania (0.7%) the smallest.

For year ended 30 June 2007, net interstate migration was negative for New South Wales (27,300 persons moved out of the state), South Australia (3,600), Victoria (2,200) and Tasmania (450). Queensland experienced net interstate migration gain (27,000 persons), followed by Western Australia (4,400), ACT (1,900) and NT (230). Net overseas migration gained Victoria 47,200 persons (61.3% of annual Vic population growth).

Population by Age and Sex, Australian States and Territories, Jun 2007. (cat. no. 3201.0). Released 12/12/2007

Contains estimated resident population (ERP) by age and sex based on the 2006 Census.

Births, Australia, 2006. (cat. no. 3301.0). Released 29/10/2007

In 2006, Australia's total fertility rate (TFR) was 1.81 babies per woman, the highest since 1995 (1.82). The increase in TFR 2005 to 2006 was largely due to births by women aged 30 to 39 years. Women 30–34 years experienced the highest fertility of all age groups in 2006, with 120.1 babies per 1,000 women. Fertility of women 35–39 years increased to 63.3 babies per 1,000 women. Fertility of women 25–29 years decreased slightly to 100.8 babies per 1,000 women in 2006.

In 2006, there were 265,900 births registered in Australia, 6,200 (2.4%) more than in 2005. This was the second highest number of births registered in Australia, with only more births in 1971 (276,400 births). The median age of all mothers who gave birth in 2006 was 30.8 years (the highest on record) and for all fathers was 33.1 years. In 2006, 67% of births were to parents in a registered marriage, compared to 83% in 1986. There were 65,200 registered births in Victoria in 2006, a 3.1% increase on 2005.

Deaths, Australia, 2006. (cat. no. 3302.0). Released 09/11/2007

There were 133,700 deaths registered in Australia in 2006, approximately 3,000 (2.3%) more than the number registered in 2005 (130,700). The standardised death rate in 2006 (6 deaths per 1,000 standard population) was the lowest on record. Over the past 20 years, life expectancy has improved by 5.8 years for males and 4.3 years for females. A boy born in 2004–2006 can expect to live 78.7 years, while a girl can expect to live 83.5 years. The infant mortality rate of 4.7 infant deaths per 1,000 live births in 2006 was 5% lower than the 2005 rate (5.0), and 46% below the 1986 rate (8.8). In 2006, the median age at death was 77.3 years for males and 83.3 years for females.

Marriages, Australia, 2006. (cat. no. 3306.0. 55. 001). Released 04/10/2007

In Australia during 2006, there were 114,222 registered marriages, a 4.5% increase on 2005 and the highest number of registrations since 1999. This increase was consistent across all states and territories, with the exception of ACT. New South Wales was the largest contributor with a rise of 2,144 (6%) marriages from 2005 to 2006, and Victoria increased by 1,298 (5.1%). In 2006, the median age at marriage was 31.6 years for Australian bridegrooms and 29.3 years for brides. Median age at first marriage was 29.6 years for bridegrooms and 27.6 years for brides. Since 1986, the median age at marriage has increased 4.3 years for bridegrooms and 4.4 years for brides.

Migrant Data Matrices, 2007. (cat. no. 3415.0). Released 22/11/2007. First Issue

The Migrant Data Matrices provide an easy and quick method of finding ABS migrant and ethnicity related data. Migrant related data items from a range of ABS collections are shown in a series of matrices with direct links to datacubes. Care must be taken in comparing data from different collections presented in the Matrices due to differences in survey methodology, definitions and reference periods. More migrant series will be added to this product in future releases.

Housing Occupancy and Costs, Australia, 2005-06. (cat. no. 4130.0.55.001). Released 31/10/2007

Data from the Survey of Income and Housing (SIH) on housing occupancy and costs, are related to characteristics of occupants and dwellings such as tenure, family composition of household, dwelling structure, age, and income. It also includes value of dwelling estimates, information on recent home buyers, and a feature article on first home buyers.

Housing costs include rates payments (general and water), rent payments and mortgage repayments if the initial purpose of the loan was primarily to buy, add or alter the dwelling; with information for years in the range 1994–95 to 2005–06. During 2005–06, there were approximately 19.9 million people, or 7.9 million households, living in private dwellings in Australia, up 13% on people in private dwellings during 1994–95. The number of households increased 21% over this period, reflecting a decrease from 2.69 to 2.51 persons average per household. The average dwelling size increased over this period from 2.88 to 3.06 bedrooms per dwelling.

The proportion of households that own their own home with or without a mortgage has ranged between 69% and 71% from 1994–95 to 2005–06. The proportion that owned their dwelling outright decreased from 42% in 1994–95 to 34% in 2005–06. The proportion that owned their dwelling with a mortgage increased from 30% to 35%, as did the proportion of households renting privately (from 18% to 22%).

In Melbourne during 2005-06, an owner without a mortgage had mean housing costs per week of $35, an owner with a mortgage $320, and a private landlord renter $217. In Balance of Victoria, an owner without a mortgage had mean housing costs per week of $25, an owner with a mortgage $280, and a renter (private landlord) $158. In Victoria, there were an estimated 741,800 owner without mortgage households, 690,900 owner with mortgage households, and 423,500 private landlord renter households.

Corrective Services, Australia, Sep 2007. (cat. no. 4512.0). Released 29/11/2007

The average daily number of full-time prisoners in Australia in the September quarter 2007 was 26,407. Nationally, the September quarter 2007 average daily imprisonment rate was 164 prisoners per 100,000 adult population, an increase of 2% from the September quarter 2006. The Northern Territory had the highest imprisonment rate (553 prisoners per 100,000 adult population), followed by Western Australia (243) and New South Wales (181). The ACT (including ACT prisoners held in NSW prisons) and Victoria had the lowest imprisonment rates (66 and 105 prisoners per 100,000 adults, respectively).

Australia's Environment: Issues and Trends, 2007. (cat. no. 4613.0). Released 10/12/2007

Explores water as a major environmental concern, and examines major trends of relevance to the environment, including: population, human activities, atmosphere, water, and landscape. Contains state level data.

Australian National Accounts: State Accounts, 2006-07. (cat. no. 5220.0). Released 16/11/2007

During 2006-07, gross state product (GSP) in volume terms increased in all states. Western Australia experienced the strongest growth (6.3%) followed by Northern Territory (5.6%), ACT (5.0%) and Queensland (4.9%). Growth in South Australia (0.8%), New South Wales (1.8%), Tasmania (2.1%) and Victoria (2.7%) was below Australian GDP growth of 3.2%.

Volume growth in gross value added was positive in all states in 2006-07. Growth in Western Australia was mainly driven by Construction (15.7%) and Mining (12.6%). Northern Territory experienced strong growth in Mining (12.1%), Queensland's growth was due to Construction (19.2%) and ACT's strongest growth was in Communication (11.0%). The main industries contributing to 2006-07 Australian gross value added growth were Mining, Construction, and Property and business services. Major contributors to Victorian gross value added growth were: Property and business services (0.5% points) and Construction (0.4% points).

Government final consumption expenditure rose in all states during 2006-07. Queensland (6.0%) showed the strongest growth in volume terms, driven by strong state and local expenditure. The lowest growth was recorded in Victoria (2.6%), followed by South Australia (3.2%).

Number and Characteristics of Australian Exporters, 2006-07. (cat. no. 5368.0.55.006). Released 13/11/2007

There were 44,310 exporters of goods and services in 2006-07, a 5% increase on 2005-06. In 2006-07, less than 1% of goods exporters had aggregate exports of $100m or more, but these exporters contributed 79% of the value of total goods exports. About 1% of service exporters had aggregate exports of $100m or more, and contributed 21% by value to total services exports. In 2006-07, the Wholesale trade industry accounted for 28% of all goods exporters. Only 9% of agriculture, forestry and fishing commodities were exported by businesses in the Agriculture, forestry and fishing industry.

Household Wealth and Wealth Distribution, Australia, 2005-06. (cat. no. 6554.0). Released 09/11/2007

Includes summary measures of the distribution of household net worth (or wealth) in Australia. Households are described by net worth quintile, income quintile, principal source of household income, family composition, age, tenure type and geographic location. For each category of household, estimates of various assets and liabilities comprising net worth are provided along with estimates of household income, household size and other characteristics.

Wealth is a net concept and measures the extent to which value of household assets (both financial and non-financial) exceeds value of liabilities. In Australia during 2005-06, the mean value of household assets was $655,000. The corresponding value of mean household liabilities was $92,000, resulting in mean household net worth of $563,000; or a median (mid-point when all households are ranked in ascending order of net worth) of $340,000. Contains state level tables (capital city/balance of state/total state).

Stocks of Grain Held by Bulk Handling Companies and Grain Traders, Australia, Oct 2007. (cat. no. 7122.0.55.001). Released 27/11/2007

Total grain held in storage facilities operated by the major grain handling companies at 31 October 2007 was 2.5 million tonnes. Current stocks are 7.9 million tonnes (76%) below the October 2006 level.

Patterns of internet access in Australia, 2006. (cat. no. 8146.0.55.001). Released 29/11/2007. First Issue

Research suggests that significant differences exist in Internet access based on income, education and age. In 2001, 35% of Australian dwellings had Internet access in the previous week, while in 2006 some 63% of dwellings had access. Nationally in 2006, 66% of dwellings in major cities had access to the Internet and 46% to Broadband. Inner Regional, Outer Regional and Remote Australia Internet access rates were 59%, 55% and 54%; and for Broadband 32%, 27% and 28%.

Overall, 63% of Victorian dwellings had Internet connectivity, and 42% had Broadband connectivity. Melbourne (c) - Southbank Docklands SLA had the highest rate of Internet (89% of persons) and Broadband (75%) connectivity at SLA level in Victoria. The Melbourne SLAs of Melbourne (C) - Southlands-Docklands, Bayside (C) - Brighton and Melbourne (C) - Inner had Broadband connectivity rates in excess of 70%. In the Rest of State: SLAs of Newtown, Surfcoast (S) - East, Greater Bendigo (C) - Strathfieldsaye and Macedon Ranges (S) - Bal had Broadband connectivity rates in excess of 50%. The Melbourne SLAs of Cardinia (S) - South, Mornington Peninsula (S) - South, Yarra Ranges (S) - Central, and Brimbank (C) - Sunshine Inner had Broadband connectivity rates below 40%. In the Rest of State, SLAs of Loddon (S) - South, Horsham (RC) - Bal, and Wangaratta (RC) - South had Broadband connectivity rates below 15%.

Australian Industry, 2005-06. (cat. no. 8155.0). Released 23/11/2007

Data compiled from the ABS Economic Activity Survey and ATO business income tax data. There were 2,491,900 total businesses operating in total selected industries (15 industry divisions) of the Australian economy, an increase of 126,800 businesses (5%) from 2004–05 to 2005–06. For total selected industries, the key aggregates of income, expenses and industry value added increased by 9%, 8% and 12% respectively during 2005–06. Operating profit before tax increased 21%.

In 2005–06, the largest number of operating businesses were in property and business services (with 718,400 businesses, or 29% of total selected industries), construction (16%), retail trade and agriculture, forestry and fishing (10% each). For total selected industries, total income increased in current price terms by $186b (9%) between 2004–05 and 2005–06, to $2,153b. Of this increase, sales of goods accounted for $80b; income from services $79b (excluding rent, leasing and hiring income); and rent, leasing and hiring income $11b. All industries increased total income in current price terms, with the largest proportional increase occurring in mining (30%).

Total selected industries employed 8.4m persons at end-June 2006, a 4% (or 312,000 persons) increase on a year earlier. Almost half of this total employment was accounted for by three industries: property and business services (1.5m persons, or 18%), retail trade (1.4m, or 17%) and manufacturing (1.1m, or 13%). From 2004–05 to 2005–06, profit margins increased notably in the two top-ranked industries: mining (34.9%, up from 29.5%), and property and business services (23.2%, up from 17.9%). The smallest profit margins were in wholesale trade and retail trade (4.3% and 4.1% respectively).

In 2005–06, Victorian total selected industries had an operating profit before tax of $53.8b, total expenses of $495.7b, total income of $547.5b, and paid out $77.1b in wages and salaries. Contains limited state level data.

Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits, Jun 2003-Jun 2007. (cat. no. 8165.0). Released 14/12/2007

Detailed business counts are presented by industry, State and Territory, sector, type of legal organisation, and employment and turnover size. Detailed datacubes have been released for the first time at Statistical Local Area (SLA) level. This publication presents counts of businesses sourced from ABS's Business Register. Some key points:
  • There were 2,011,770 actively trading business in Australia as at June 2007.
  • The number of businesses grew by 2.2% during 2003-04; 1.5% during 2004-05; 1.3% during 2005-06 and 2.4% during 2006-07.
  • Contributing to the high growth rate was a higher entry rate (17%) and a lower exit rate (14.6%) for the period. The 14.6% exit rate was the lowest recorded over the four year period of the survey.
  • Of the 1,868,969 businesses operating in June 2003, 58.4% were still operating in June 2007.
  • Of the 325,935 business entries during 2003-04, 48.6% were still operating in June 2007.
  • Survival rates for non-employing businesses are significantly lower than employing businesses but contribute the greatest proportion of both stock of existing businesses and business entries.

Summary of IT Use and Innovation in Australian Business, 2005-06. (cat. no. 8166.0). Released 19/11/2007. First Issue

Internet use during the year ended 30 June 2006 was reported by 81% of businesses, while 30% of businesses reported having a web presence at the end of the period. Broadband (an 'always on' Internet connection of 256 kbps or higher) was the main Internet connection type for 82% of businesses with Internet use in 2006, up from 63% in June 2005. Some 37% of businesses placed orders via the Internet during 2005-06; and 21% of businesses received orders via the Internet in 2005-06, compared with 12% in 2004-05. Income received from these orders (i.e. Internet income) grew by approximately 40% from $40 billion in 2004-05 to $57 billion.

At end-June 2006, Wholesale trade (97%) and Health and community services (96%) had the highest proportion of businesses using computers, while Accommodation, cafes and restaurants (76%) had the lowest. Internet use was highest for Finance and insurance services (93%) and Cultural and recreational services (92%), and least in Transport and storage (66%). Cultural and recreational services had the highest rate with a web presence (54%) followed by Electricity, gas and water supply (51%), while least was Construction (13%).

Manufacturing Industry, Australia, 2005-06. (cat. no. 8221.0). Released 10/12/2007

Estimates from the annual Economic Activity Survey of the performance of Australian manufacturing industry for 2005–06, together with data on a comparable basis from 2001–02 and intervening years. Contains state level data.

Mining Operations, Australia, 2005-06. (cat. no. 8415.0). Released 18/10/2007

From 2004–05 to 2005–06, industry value added (IVA) for selected mining in Western Australia increased by $8.3b (44%) to $27.3b, and in Queensland by $6.8b (78%) to $15.5b. After declining each year since 2001–02, IVA for 2005–06 in Victoria and the Northern Territory increased by 13% ($376m) and 34% ($437m) respectively. In 2005–06, Western Australia's $27.3b of IVA represented 48% of the Australian total for selected mining, followed by Queensland (27%), New South Wales (11%) and Victoria (6%). Sales and service income for selected mining industry rose in Victoria by 7% ($262m) in 2005-06, and employment increased 21%.

Survey of Motor Vehicle Use, Australia, 12 months ended 31 October 2006. (cat. no. 9208.0). Released 19/10/2007

Presents estimates on such variables as distance travelled, tonne-kilometres and fuel consumption. Victoria had an average 3,740,570 vehicles registered in 2006, up 297,997 vehicles (8.7%) on 2002. They travelled an estimated 54,698 million kilometres in 2006, or an average of 14,600 km per vehicle. The largest vehicle class was passenger vehicles (3,021,479 vehicles), followed by light commercial (470,861), motor cycles (112,120), and rigid trucks (95,802); with 14,078 buses also registered.

Motor Vehicle Census, Australia, 31 Mar 2007. (cat. no. 9309.0). Released 16/11/2007

There were 14.8 million motor vehicles, including motor cycles, registered in Australia at 31 March 2007. This represents an increase of 2.9% since 2006, and an increase of 12.2% since 2003, when there were 13.2 million vehicles. Average annual growth over 4 years was 2.9%. There were 705 motor vehicles per 1,000 resident population in Australia in 2007, compared with 663 vehicles per 1,000 residents in 2003. The average age of all registered vehicles rose from 6.1 years in 1971 to 10.7 years in 1997, and was 10.0 years in 2007.

Victoria had 3.8 million registered vehicles (25.8% of Australia's fleet). Victoria's fleet increased 2.1% from 2006 to 2007; and 9.3% since 2003, giving 2.2% average annual growth over 4 years. Motor cycles accounted for 3.5% of all vehicles in Australia during 2007, up slightly from 2.9% in 2003. Victoria had the largest share (10,269) of articulated trucks with a gross combination mass (GCM) greater than 60 tonnes, followed by Queensland with 9,868.

In 2007, there were 11.7 million vehicles in Australia (78.9% of total) that used unleaded petrol, while 1.1 million vehicles (7.3%) used leaded petrol. Compared with 2003, this represents a 23.9% increase in unleaded petrol vehicles and a 50.7% decrease in leaded petrol vehicles. Vehicles using diesel fuel made up 11.2% (or 1.7 million vehicles) of total fleet, an increase of 34.5% since 2003. A total of 6.1 million passenger vehicles were either Toyota (19.1% of total passenger fleet), Holden (18.1%) or Ford (16.0%) at 31 March 2007.


Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) Coder, 2007. (cat. no. 1220.0.30.001). Released 14/12/2007

ANZSCO Coder is a Windows-based structured coding system on CD-ROM which provides a quick and efficient way to code occupation information to ANZSCO.

Information Paper: Measuring Learning in Australia: Concepts and Directions in Early Childhood Learning, 2007. (cat. no. 4232.0). Released 20/12/2007. First Issue

This paper outlines a project to develop quality statistics in early childhood learning, focussing on children aged 0 to 8 years. The paper proposes a suite of early childhood learning measures and data development activities which would be needed in order to provide relevant and quality data for comparable analysis across states and territories. Description and evaluation of currently reported indicators and data collections are included. The paper provides an opportunity for input and further discussion among researchers and the community.

Information Paper: National Criminal Justice Statistical Framework, 2007. (cat. no. 4525.0). Released 21/09/2007 

The National Criminal Justice Statistical Framework (NCJSF) discusses the various connections across the main sectors of the criminal justice system and identifies some of the key counting units (such as "person" and "criminal incident") and data variables that characterise its main aspects. The Framework aims to support integration of criminal justice data between the different, interconnecting sectors of the criminal justice system as well as across states and territories of Australia.

Analytical Living Cost Indexes: 15th Series Weighting Pattern, Sep 2005. (cat. no. 6465.0). Released 03/10/2007. First Issue

An Excel spreadsheet that provides weighting patterns for the four household index types: employee, age pensioner, other government transfer recipient and self-funded retiree; as at June quarter 2005.

Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), Jul 2007. (cat. no. 1216.0). Released 28/09/2007

Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) - Electronic Structures, 01 Jul 2007. (cat. no. 1216.0.15.001). Released 28/09/2007

Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) Concordances, 01 Jul 2007. (cat. no. 1216.0.15.002). Released 28/09/2007

Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) Remoteness Structure (RA) Digital Boundaries, Australia, 2006. (cat. no. 1259.0.30.004). Released 08/11/2007. First Issue

Information Paper: Census of Population and Housing: ABS Views on Content and Procedures, 2011. (cat. no. 2007.0). Released 26/10/2007

Census Collection District Comparability Listing, 1996 to 2006. (cat. no. 2919.0.55.001). Released 17/10/2007

Information paper: Experimental Estimates of Industry Multifactor Productivity, 2007. (cat. no. 5260.0.55.001). Released 07/09/2007. First Issue

Experimental Estimates of Industry Multifactor Productivity, 2006-07. (cat. no. 5260.0.55.002). Released 23/11/2007. First Issue

Patterns of Innovation in Australian Businesses, 2005. (cat. no. 8163.0). Released 01/11/2007


Australian Bureau of Statistics Annual Report, 2006-07. (cat. no. 1001.0). Released 12/10/2007

Discover the ABS, 2006 to 2008. (cat. no. 1303.0). Released 26/09/2007. First Issue

Vineyards Estimates, Australia, 2006-07. (cat. no. 1329.0.55.002). Released 07/12/2007

Planning for Business, 2007. (cat. no. 1391.0.55.001). Released 26/10/2007. First Issue

Life Tables, Victoria, 2006. (cat. no. 3302.2.55.001). Released 09/11/2007

Cultural Funding by Government, Australia, 2005-06. (cat. no. 4183.0). Released 23/08/2007

Adult Learning, Australia, 2006-07. (cat. no. 4229.0) Released 21/12/2007. First Issue

Prisoners in Australia, 2007. (cat. no. 4517.0). Released 13/12/2007

International Trade in Services by Country, by State and by Detailed Services Category, Financial Year, 2006-07. (cat. no. 5368.0.55.003). Released 01/11/2007

Principal Agricultural Commodities, Third Estimates, Australia, 2005-06. (cat. no. 7126.0). Released 13/12/2007. First Issue

Business Use of Information Technology, 2005-06. (cat. no. 8129.0). Released 07/12/2007

Survey of Motor Vehicle Use: Data Cubes, Australia, 01 Nov 2005 to 31 Oct 2006. (cat. no. 9210.0.55.001). Released 26/10/2007

Main Economic Indicators (MEIs). Also released during the past quarter were a number of monthly and quarterly MEIs which can be accessed from the ABS website home page <www.abs.gov.au>. Examples of MEIs include: housing finance, building approvals, labour force, consumer price index, sales of new motor vehicles, and retail trade.