A report entitled Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples - Aspects of Sport and Recreation has been produced by NCCRS for the Standing Committee on Recreation and Sport Reference Group (SRG). The report draws together data from the 2002 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, the 2002 General Social Survey, the 2001 Community Housing and Infrastructure Needs Survey, the 2001 National Health Survey, and the 2001 Population Census.
Information is included on attendance at sporting events and participation in sport and recreational physical activities; sport facilities in Indigenous Australian communities; exercise levels and health status; and the occupations, industry and qualifications of Indigenous Australian people employed in the sport, recreation and leisure sectors.
As an example of the findings in the report: the participation rate for Indigenous people aged 18 years and over was 45.6% compared with 62.6 % for the non-Indigenous population. Younger Indigenous people had higher rates of participation than older people, with 59.5% of those aged 18-24 years participating; this declined in each age group to 25.7% for those aged 55 years and over. Comparative rates for the non-Indigenous population were 73.1% for those aged 18-24 years declining to 51.2% for those aged 55 years and over.
Until the report has been loaded to either the SRG or Australian Sports Commission Web site, a copy may be obtained from Colin Speechley on (08) 8237 7363 or by emailing <>.