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2 Short-term movements are based on a sample and are subject to sampling error. See Explanatory Notes 10 and 11 and the Standard Errors section which are linked to the Main Features page of Overseas Arrivals and Departures (cat. no. 3401.0) for more detail. 3 Occasionally situations occur that necessitate breaks being applied to the trend series. These breaks are necessary because of a change in the underlying level of the original series. While the breaks apply to an individual country (e.g. Indonesia) a consequence is that breaks are also applied to the regional total series (e.g. Total South-East Asia) and the total series (e.g. Total). Breaks currently included in the trend series are as follows:-
4 For additional information on the data please see the Notes section of the Main Features of Short-term Visitor Arrival Estimates, Australia (cat. no. 3401.0.55.001). CHANGES IN THIS ISSUE New seasonally adjusted and trend estimates series — As a result of the annual review of the seasonally adjusted series (advised in the July issue of this publication) ABS is now able to disseminate additional series via the time series spreadsheets associated with this product. Some series have been disseminated with a warning regarding the reliability of the seasonally adjusted series. In these cases the warning is attached to the individual series. For short-term visitor arrivals the additional seasonally adjusted and trend series are: Russian Federation, Other Oceania and Antarctica, Other North-West Europe, Other Southern and Eastern Europe, Other North Africa and the Middle East, Other South-East Asia, Other North-East Asia, Other Southern and Central Asia, Other Americas and Other Sub-Saharan Africa. Additionally, East Timor is disseminated for the trend series only. For short-term resident departures the additional seasonally adjusted and trend series are: Argentina, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, Cook Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Nepal, Tonga, the United Arab Emirates, Other Oceania and Antarctica, Other North-West Europe, Other Southern and Eastern Europe, Other North Africa and the Middle East, Other South-East Asia, Other Southern and Central Asia, Other Americas and Other Sub-Saharan Africa. Additionally, East Timor, French Polynesia and Other North-East Asia are disseminated for the trend series only. |