Publications  |
5308.0 - Foreign Currency Exposure, Australia |
5308.0 - Collection Instrument |
Released 13/10/2014 |
Data Cubes |
Table 1 - Foreign Currency Exposure, at end of period |
Table 2 - Foreign Currency Exposure—by sector—as at 31 March 2013 |
Table 3 - Foreign Currency Exposure of Assets and Liabilities—by currency—as at 31 March 2013 |
Table 4 - Foreign Currency Exposure of Derivative Contracts—by currency—as at 31 March 2013 |
Table 5 - Foreign Currency Debt Assets and Liabilities, by maturity—by sector—as at 31 March 2013 |
Table 6 - Foreign Currency Assets and Liabilities, by counterparty—by currency—as at 31 March 2013 |
Table 7 - Foreign Currency Assets and Liabilities, all sectors, by currency |
Table 8 - Foreign Currency Denominated Debt Security Liabilities, all sectors, by maturity and currency |
Table 9 - Foreign Currency Denominated Expected Receipts and Payments from Trade |
Table 10 - Hedging of Foreign Currency Denominated Assets and Liabilities, all sectors, by level of hedging and currency |
Table 11 - Hedging of Foreign Currency Denominated Debt Security Liabilities, all sectors, by maturity and currency |
Table 12 - Maturity Matched Hedging of Foreign Currency Denominated Debt Security Liabilities, all sectors, by maturity and currency |
Table 13 - Type of derivative contract, by sector—as at 31 March 2013 |
Table 14 - Type of derivative contract, by currency—as at 31 March 2013 |
Table 15 - Value of derivative contracts, by maturity—by sector—as at 31 March 2013 |
Table 16 - Value of Derivative Contracts, all sectors, by counterparty and currency |
Tables 17 to 23 - Hedging Policy, by instrument |
Tables 24 to 30 - Determinants of Hedging Strategy, by instrument |