Australian National Accounts: Financial Accounts (cat. no. 5232.0)
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Name/Title of Product
Australian National Accounts: Financial Accounts (cat. no. 5232.0)
Dissemination Media
Publication $22.00 per issue. Data are also available on floppy disk and as a Special Data Service. Price on application.
About these statistics
Mr Derick Cullen
Financial Accounts Section
Telephone: (02) 6252 6244
To purchase these statistics
Please refer to Part C - ABS Services of this Directory.
Broad Description
Quarterly estimates of flows of finance between the Life and Superannuation sector and other sectors; disaggregations of flows and levels of finance by sector and subsector.
Purpose of Data
Flow of funds statistics; national accounts capital account. The data published provides a quarterly statement of financial flows between the different sectors of Australia's economy.
Detailed Description
Estimates for all superannuation funds.
Superannuation Data Items
Transactions, valuation adjustments and levels of financial assets and liabilities and non-financial assets. Flow of funds data relating to superannuation (published 5232.0) differ from those published in the ISC quarterly bulletin in that they measure the flows as well as the levels of financial assets and liabilities, with adjustments to the flows for changes in the value of the assets and liabilities. Also, flow of funds estimates are consistent with data published in the Australian National Accounts, Balance of Payments and International Investment statistics. It is possible to disaggregate Flow of Funds data for the Life and Superannuation sector into sub-sectors (life offices, superannuation funds, friendly societies) while still retaining this consistency with the Australian National Accounts.
ABS Survey of Financial Information, Insurance and Superannuation Commission data and price deflators maintained by the industry.
Method of Collection
Analysis of information obtained from all three sources.
11 to 12 weeks after the reference period.
Historical Data
December 1988 first quarter for levels data, March 1989 first quarter for flows and adjustments.
Geographic Breakdown
Flow of funds statistics focus on flows between each sector and other sectors of the domestic economy and /or rest of the world (non-residents as a group). However, figures for total of domestic sectors provide a measure of the total Australian domestic market for each financial instrument.
Confidentiality and Availability
Data are subject to confidentiality restrictions under the Census and Statistics Act 1905. Most cells unlikely to be confidential.
Unpublished Information
Special Data Services are available, price on application.