The 2005-06 ABS Cultural Funding by Government collection reported that the Australian Government provided total funding of $140.0 million for Film and video, while state and territory governments contributed $75.4m.
Data from Get the Picture: What Australians are Making - Production Industry, conducted by the Australian Film Commission, show that overseas investors accounted for 75% of total funding for Australian features in 2006-07. They contributed $164m to ten titles, with one high-budget local film 'Australia' accounting for the bulk of their investment.
Government sources were also a significant source of funds in 2006-07, contributing 15% of total funding for Australian features in 2006-07. The majority of these funds came via the Film Finance Corporation, which invested $37m in Australian features and co-productions.
16.3 AUSTRALIAN FEATURE FILMS, Sources of Finance - 2003-04 to 2006-07 |
|  |
 |  | Contribution | Proportion of total budget | No. of films invested in |  |
 |  | $m | % | no. |  |
|  |
Australian government sources(a) |  |  |  |  |
 | 2003-04 | 30.6 | 14 | 11 |  |
 | 2004-05 | 25.4 | 38 | 11 |  |
 | 2005-06 | 46.4 | 46 | 19 |  |
 | 2006-07 | 32.5 | 15 | 15 |  |
 | 5-yr average | 30.8 | 31 | 13 |  |
Australian private institutions(b) |  |  |  |  |
 | 2003-04 | 11.2 | 5 | 11 |  |
 | 2004-05 | 20.3 | 31 | 15 |  |
 | 2005-06 | 8.6 | 9 | 14 |  |
 | 2006-07 | 13.3 | 6 | 13 |  |
 | 5-yr average | 14.9 | 19 | 13 |  |
Australian film/TV industry(c) |  |  |  |  |
 | 2003-04 | 68.3 | 31 | 11 |  |
 | 2004-05 | 8.6 | 13 | 14 |  |
 | 2005-06 | 17.4 | 17 | 21 |  |
 | 2006-07 | 8.6 | 4 | 21 |  |
 | 5-yr average | 21.5 | 15 | 15 |  |
Foreign sources |  |  |  |  |
 | 2003-04 | 107.5 | 49 | 6 |  |
 | 2004-05 | 12.1 | 18 | 5 |  |
 | 2005-06 | 27.8 | 28 | 9 |  |
 | 2006-07 | 163.6 | 75 | 10 |  |
 | 5-yr average | 63.1 | 36 | 7 |  |
|  |
(a) Includes Australian state and federal agencies and funding bodies, ans SBS. Comprises equity investments only - distribution guarantees, loans and underwriting are not included. |
(b) Private investment sources including Film Licensed Investment Companies (FLICs), 10BA and 10B certified projects (Film tax incentives). |
(c) Includes Australian-based film and TV production companies, distribution companies, commercial free-to-air broadcasters and pay TV channels. |
Source: Australian Film Commission, National Survey of Feature Film and TV Drama Production, 2006-07, |
In 2007, Australian films accounted for only 4% ($36m) of the total box office receipts of Australian cinemas, down from 4.6% in 2006 ($40m). As graph 16.4 shows, this percentage has fluctuated over time.

An ABS survey of businesses in the film and video production industry showed that while the income derived from the production of commercials increased by 23% between 1999-2000 and 2002-03, the income from all other types of film and video production decreased. This meant overall production income was 8% lower in 2002-03 than in 1999-2000. However, increases in income from other sources, particularly post-production and other production services meant the total income for film and video production businesses was greater in 2002-03 than the previous period.
|  |
 |  |  | 1999-2000 | 2002-03 |  |
 |  |  | Value | Percentage contribution | Value | Percentage contribution |  |
 |  |  | $m | % | $m | % |  |
|  |
Income |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Income from the production of: |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  | Feature films | 74.0 | 5.0 | 59.2 | 3.7 |  |
 |  | Television programs | 472.2 | 32.0 | 393.6 | 24.7 |  |
 |  | Commercials | 186.2 | 12.6 | 228.4 | 14.3 |  |
 |  | Corporate, training and marketing media | 72.0 | 4.9 | 70.6 | 4.4 |  |
 |  | Other | 45.5 | 3.1 | 26.9 | 1.7 |  |
 |  | Total | 849.9 | 57.7 | (a)778.6 | 48.8 |  |
 | Income from the provision of production services to other businesses | 233.1 | 15.8 | 350.9 | 22.0 |  |
 | Income from the provision of post-production/film laboratory services to other businesses | 262.6 | 17.8 | 360.5 | 22.6 |  |
 | Other income | 128.2 | 8.7 | 106.5 | 6.7 |  |
Total income | 1 473.8 | 100.0 | 1 596.6 | 100.0 |  |
Expenses |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Labour costs |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  | Wages and salaries | 373.5 | 26.7 | 402.4 | 26.7 |  |
 |  | Other | 53.2 | 3.8 | 64.0 | 4.3 |  |
 |  | Total | 426.6 | 30.5 | 466.3 | 31.0 |  |
 | Payments to other businesses for production services | 250.8 | 17.9 | 215.8 | 14.3 |  |
 | Payments to other businesses for post-production/film laboratory services | 88.3 | 6.3 | 89.5 | 6.0 |  |
 | Rent, leasing and hiring expenses | 65.5 | 4.7 | 85.4 | 5.7 |  |
 | Travelling, accomodation and entertainment expenses | 34.8 | 2.5 | 38.5 | 2.6 |  |
 | Purchases of film stock and video tape stock | 50.6 | 3.6 | 62.4 | 4.1 |  |
 | Other purchases | 45.8 | 3.3 | 63.1 | 4.2 |  |
 | Amortisation of productions | 61.1 | 4.4 | *38.7 | 2.6 |  |
 | Other | 374.4 | 26.8 | 445.0 | 29.6 |  |
Total expenses | 1 397.9 | 100.0 | 1 504.8 | 100.0 |  |
|  |
* estimate has a relative standard error of 25% to 50% and should be used with caution |
(a) Of the $778.6m received from the production of films and programs etc., $88.9m were commissioned (i.e. the business did not retain the rights to the production). |
Source: ABS, Television, Film and Video Production, 2002 - 03 (cat. no. 8679.0) and Film and Video Production and Distribution, 1999-2000 (cat. no. 8679.0). |
Film and video production industry
The television industry also has a role in the production of both film and video. While predominantly involved in broadcasting, the television industry spends substantial amounts on productions made specifically for television. In 2002-03, the survey of Television, Film and Video Production found that $1,140.7m was spent on television productions, 71% by television broadcasters.
|  |
 | Television businesses(a) | Other businesses(b) | Total |  |
 | $m | $m | $m |  |
|  |
Drama | np | np | 159.5 |  |
Situation and sketch comedy | 5.9 | *9.8 | 15.8 |  |
Documentaries | 5.5 | 30.7 | 36.2 |  |
Quiz, panel and game shows | np | np | 17.2 |  |
News and current affairs | 344.3 | 6.7 | 351.0 |  |
Sport | 285.2 | *19.9 | 305.1 |  |
Light entertainment and variety | 88.6 | 45.0 | 133.6 |  |
Other(c) | np | np | *122.3 |  |
Total | 812.4 | 328.4 | 1 140.7 |  |
|  |
* estimate has a relative standard error of 25% to 50% and should be used with caution |
np not available for publication but included in totals where applicable, unless otherwise indicated |
(a) Includes commercial free-to-air, subscription and public broadcasters. |
(b) Includes businesses whose primary activity was film and video production or subscription television channel provision with in-house production. |
(c) Includes childrens' programs. |
Source: ABS, Television, Film and Video Production, 2002-03 (cat. no. 8679.0). |
The 2002-03 survey of Television, Film and Video Production found that there were 5,774 films and/or videos created which were not specifically made for television, at a total production cost of $142.4m. While the majority of these (88%) were Corporate, marketing and training media, more than 50% of total production costs were devoted to the production of 66 feature films.
|  |
 |  | Productions | Total cost of production | Average cost per production |  |
 |  | no. | $m | $'000 |  |
|  |
Type of production |  |  |  |  |
 | Feature films | 66 | 73.5 | 1 113.8 |  |
 | Short films | *74 | 2.4 | *32.8 |  |
 | Documentaries | *37 | *1.7 | *46.5 |  |
 | Corporate, marketing and training media | 5 057 | 33.9 | 6.7 |  |
 | Educational media | *185 | *3.8 | *20.7 |  |
 | Music media | *156 | *2.5 | *15.8 |  |
 | Other | 199 | 24.5 | *123.1 |  |
 | Total | 5 774 | 142.4 | 24.7 |  |
|  |
* estimate has a relative standard error of 25% to 50% and should be used with caution |
Source: ABS, Television, Film and Video Production, 2002-03 (cat. no. 8679.0). |
Film and video distribution industry
The main sources of revenue for film and video distribution businesses in 1999-2000 were the renting and leasing of films to motion picture exhibitors ($289.4m) and television businesses ($172.5m); and the sale of pre-recorded video tapes and DVDs to retail outlets ($157.0m). Copyright fees and licences for film and video distribution accounted for about one-quarter (23%) of total expenses.
Motion picture exhibition industry
According to the census of Motion Picture Exhibition Industry, there were 79.4 million paid admissions to cinemas in 1999-2000 which generated gross box office receipts of $678.9m (or 65% of the total income of motion picture exhibitors). Sales of food and beverages contributed a further 17% to business income, while their major expenses were Film hire and Wages and salaries (29% and 14% of total expenses respectively).
Video hire
In 1999-2000, video hire outlets earned about three-quarters (76%) of their income through rental of videos and DVDs. Labour costs accounted for about one-quarter (23%) of total expenses, with the other main expense items being purchases of videos and related goods (18%) and rent, leasing and hiring expenses (17%).