This document was added or updated on 21/03/2012.
Document content:
Additional Information released 21/03/2012
Main Features commentary
- Schools
- Indigenous Students
- Staff
- Students: (expanded commentary)
Data Cubes - Schools
- NSSC Table 30a
- NSSC Table 31a
- NSSC Table 32a
- NSSC Table 33a
- NSSC Table 34a
Data Cubes - Staff
- NSSC Table 50a
- NSSC Table 51a
- NSSC Table 53a
Replacement content released 21/03/2011
Main Features commentary
- Students: (expanded commentary)
Additional Information released 28/03/2012
Data Cubes - Indicators of student engagement
- NSSC Table 35a
- NSSC Table 60a
- NSSC Table 61b
- NSSC Table 62a
- NSSC Table 64a
- NSSC Table 65a
Summary PDF: Schools, Australia 2011
Replacement content released 28/03/2012
Data Cubes - Students
- NSSC Table 40a (Counts of students categorised by ACT, government, male, full-time and other revised down 27)
- NSSC Table 41b (no changes, re-released to preserve table order)
- NSSC Table 42b (Counts of students categorised by ACT, government, male, full-time and other revised down 27)
- NSSC Table 43a (Counts of students categorised by ACT, government, male, full-time and other revised down 27)
Data Cubes - Staff
- NSSC Table 51a (revised 2011 FTE of Administrative & clerical staff (incl. Teacher aides & assistants) & Building operations, general maintenance and other staff). These categories were switched in initial output.
Replacement content released 02/05/2012
Data Cube - Schools
- NSSC Table 35a - amendment to totals for 2010 counts of schools reflecting confidentialistion for 2011. There are no changes to published 2011 counts of schools and changes to 2010 were for consistency with 2011 data.
Data Cube - Indicators of student engagement
- NSSC Table 64a - revised for 2011 Indigenous Year 10 to 12 apparent retention rates.
Additional Information released 04/05/2012
Data Cube - Schools
- NSSC Table 33a - non-special schools by size of secondary enrolment (1997-2011)
Data Cube - Schools
- NSSC Table 36a - schools and students (FTE) by MCEECDYA Remoteness Indicator, 2011
Data Cube - Indicators of student engagement
- NSSC Table 63a - apparent retention rates for all students, by single Year (grade), 2011
Data Cube - Indicators of student engagement
- NSSC Table 66a - provides information about school participation rates for students aged 6-15 years (2011)
- PDF: 4221.0 - Schools, Australia