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PDF version (including graphics) of Environment and Energy News, November 2005. In this issue:
What is CEES? The ABS has formed a Centre of Environment and Energy Statistics (CEES) which will seek to complement and add value to existing environmental statistical activity through an active partnership with key agencies, including the states and territories. An advisory board has been established to guide the activities of CEES. The first meeting of the board was held on 24 August 2005. CEES in collaboration with others will:
Did you know? Pasture for grazing was the most extensively irrigated crop in Australia in 2002-03, according to a new survey on agricultural water use released in March 2005. Recent releases March 2005 Water use on Australian farms 2002-03 (cat. no. 4618.0) April 2005 Domestic use of water and energy, South Australia (cat. no. 4618.4) April 2005 Measures of Australia’s Progress (MAP): Summary indicators 2005 (cat. no. 1383.0.55.001) July 2005 Australian Social Trends 2005 (cat. no. 4102.0) October 2005 Water Use on Australian farms 2003-04 ( 4618.0)
Measures of Australia’s Progress (MAP): Summary indicators 2005 (cat. no. 1383.0.55.001) Release date: April 2005 The ABS has released a new set of summary indicators for 2005 that examines whether life in Australia is getting better. Available free-of-charge on the ABS web site, Measures of Australia's Progress: Summary indicators 2005, paints a picture of national progress over the past 10 years. The summary indicators present the latest data available for 15 areas of progress including the environment, health, education and training, work, financial hardship, and national wealth. The 2005 update complements the more comprehensive set of indicators available in the publication Measures of Australia's Progress which is released every two years, the next edition of which is planned for 2006. For more information, contact Denise Carlton, Tel: (02) 6252 5259 or email Future directions In the short term the demand for environment and energy statistics from the ABS far outweighs our ability to supply the required information. There are increasing expectations of the ABS to deliver information on a range of issues. Currently, we are planning to continue to collect and compile the following collections and environmental accounts:
Some of these activities are dependent on securing additional funding. Planning day All members of the ABS Environment and Energy team met in Binalong, New South Wales from 30 May to 1 June 2005. Since the team is located in both the ABS Central Office in Canberra and in the Hobart office, we took the opportunity to spend time together with the aim of improving relationships for the benefit of the work of the Environment and Energy Program. As part of the evolution of the program, all members of the team discussed and agreed upon:
Special releases Experimental estimates of regional agricultural water use Expected release date: December 2005 Water statistics are of intense interest in Australia, partly due to the drought conditions southeastern Australia has been experiencing in the last few years. A range of agencies are involved in supplying water statistics and the Australian Bureau of Statistics has been one of these agencies. The ABS has released two Water Accounts, which have provided state level information on the supply and use of water in Australia. The Water Account has been useful at a macro level, however as it only provides state level data it is of limited use in regional planning and decision-making. Demand exists for regional information at finer boundaries than the state level and at boundaries the ABS does not use in the design or output of its surveys. ‘Experimental estimates of regional agricultural water use’ presents the results of using a simple methodology to calculate regional estimates of agricultural water use. Alternative techniques and auxiliary data sources that may be used in the future are also discussed. For further information on this research work, contact Kim Hawthorne, Tel: (02) 6252 5765 or email Land management – Eurobodalla Shire, NSW, 2003-2004 (cat. no. 4651.0) Expected release date: November 2005 This publication will be the result of the first ABS trial of an area-based survey methodology for data collection. The trial was conducted in the Eurobodalla Shire of NSW in November/December 2004. Using an area-based approach has facilitated the release of more detailed spatial data, enabling the dissemination and mapping of small area statistics. The publication will contain results for Eurobodalla Shire as well as parts of the four river basins that lie within the Shire. These are the Clyde River-Jervis Bay River Basin, the Tuross River Basin, the Moruya River Basin and the Bega River Basin. Following on from the work in the Eurobodalla Shire, a much larger trial is currently being conducted for the part of the Fitzroy catchment that lies within the Fitzroy and Livingstone Shires in Queensland. It is hoped additional trials can be undertaken, but these can only occur if additional resources are allocated. It is expected that the publication will be released before December 2005. For further information, contact John Purcell, Tel: (02) 6252 5651 or email Water accounting Water accounting at the ABS is progressing on many fronts. Internationally we have been involved in the preparation of a manual for the implementation of the System of Environment and Economic Accounting for Water (SEEAW). In Australia, the ABS and the National Water Commission (NWC) co-hosted a workshop on water accounting on 29 June 2005 at Old Parliament House. The ABS/NWC water accounting workshop was a first step in the development of water accounts to support the COAG Agreement on a National Water Initiative (NWI). It brought together a wide range of stakeholders from industry and conservation groups as well as representatives from all Commonwealth and State/Territory governments. At the workshop, ABS and NWC recognised that NWI water accounting is about integrated national accounting, measurement and monitoring, with specific uses and users at different levels of water management, and is an important point of consensus to build upon. It is also fundamental to achieving the water accounting outcomes as agreed under the NWI. The ABS paper prepared for the workshop, as well as a workshop report, are available on request. Natural Resource Management Survey The 2005 Federal Budget provided for an on-going biennial Natural Resource Management (NRM) Survey, beginning with the 2004-05 reference year. The survey will collect data on land and land management; water availability and use; weeds and pests; and native vegetation and other land cover. For each of these NRM topics, data is collected regarding:
It is anticipated that data will be available at the regional (NHT) level. For further information, contact David Brereton, Tel: (03) 6222 5804 or email Putting water to 'best use' A key objective of COAG’s National Water Initiative is to encourage the expansion in water markets and the trade between regions to ensure that water ‘is put to best use’. To date, assessment of the effectiveness of water use against this objective has been inhibited by lack of information. To help fill that information gap, a study is currently being conducted using unit record information from the ABS Land Management and Salinity Survey (2001-02), the ABS Water Survey - Agriculture (2002-03) and panel data from the Agricultural Survey/Census for the past 4 years, to examine the link between water use, salinity, land management and farm performance. Environmental Issues Environmental issues: People’s views and practices
In 2002, there was widespread penetration of some energy saving measures, for example insulation, fluorescent lights and use of cold water for washing clothes. There was also an increase in the number and usage of energy-using household appliances. The adoption of energy conservation measures seemed to have been motivated mostly by lifestyle reasons and a desire to reduce energy costs, rather than any environmental benefits. Cost was the main factor influencing the use of insulation, greenpower and the replacement of white goods. The 2005 publication will enable comparisons with these environmental practices and behaviour of Australian households. For further information, contact Apolonio Basilio Tel: (02) 6252 7433 or email Upcoming releases Expected release date Contact us The Environment and Energy News features articles and developments in relation to work done within the ABS Environment and Energy program. If you would like to be placed on our free electronic mailing list, please contact Robyn Elphinstone and leave your address details. Robyn Elphinstone Centre of Environment & Energy Statistics Australian Bureau of Statistics Locked Bag No. 10 BELCONNEN ACT 2617 Tel: (02) 6252 5502 Fax: (02) 6252 6470 Email: Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.