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Agricultural machinery and equipment
Heavy trucks Comprises all vehicles with a gross combination mass rating in excess of 3.5 tonnes, including prime movers registered without trailers. Light trucks Comprises vehicles constructed primarily for the carriage of goods which do not exceed 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle mass such as utilities, panel vans, trucks, cab-chassis, forward control vans and four-wheel drives used to carry goods. Manufacturing equipment Includes all plant and equipment used in the manufacture of goods except motor vehicles such as forklifts, work trucks and tractors. Motor cars and station wagons Includes cars, station wagons, four-wheel drive and forward control passenger vehicles with up to nine seats (including the driver). Motor cycles Includes two and three wheeled motor cycles and mopeds, scooters and motor cycles with side cars. Newly erected dwelling A dwelling that has been completed within 12 months of the lodgement of the loan application, and the borrower will be the first occupant. Office machines Includes telephone systems (including PABX equipment), facsimile machines, cash registers, photocopiers, etc. Purpose The purpose of the loan is that specified by the borrower. Where possible multiple purpose loans are split and each component is reported in the appropriate purpose category; otherwise the whole loan is classified to the major purpose. Refinancing For personal and commercial finance, represents a commitment to refinance an existing loan. For secured housing finance, only those loans where the refinancing lender is not the original lender and the security is unchanged are included. The refinancing of a loan to fund a change of residence is treated as a new lending commitment. Revolving credit facilities Generally have the following characteristics:
Secured credit limits Includes overdrafts, lines of credit, credit cards etc. backed by a mortgage or other assets owned by the borrower. Secured housing finance All secured commitments to individuals for the construction or purchase of dwellings for owner occupation, regardless of type of security. Commitments for housing that will be occupied by persons other than the owner(s) are excluded. Total credit limits at end of period Comprises total approved credit limits available at the end of the reference month. In principle, this can be derived by adding new and increased lending commitments during the period, less cancellations and reductions of credit limits during the period, to the balance of credit limits at the end of the previous period. In practice, however, revisions and other adjustments such as the transfer of an existing fixed credit facility will mean that such a derivation is inexact. Wholesale finance Comprises finance for the purchase of goods by retailers and wholesalers. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.