Transport accidents (V01-V99, Y85) accounted for 1,402 deaths registered in 2008. This represented 1.0% of all registered deaths in 2008, and 16% of all External causes of death. Of these, 183 deaths were of pedestrians (V01-V09), 226 deaths were of motorcycle riders (V20-V29) and 742 deaths were of occupants of a car (V40-V49).
As with most other External causes, more males than females died from Transport accidents in 2008 (1,036 compared with 366). For males, 1.4% of total male deaths registered in 2008 were caused by Transport accidents. This was compared with only 0.5% of all female deaths. Males also had a lower median age at death than females, with a median age of 36.2 years for males compared with 45.2 years for females. Of all male deaths from External causes, 18% were attributed to Transport accidents, predominantly amongst males aged 15-44 years. Males in this age group accounted for 60% of all male deaths due to Transport accidents.
For information on quality of data on Transport accidents, refer to Explanatory Note 69.
4.19 SELECTED UNDERLYING CAUSES(a), Transport Accidents (V01-V99) - 2008(b)(c)(d) |
 |  |  | Males | Females | Persons | Proportion of all deaths |
Cause of Death and ICD Code | no. | no. | no. | % |
Transport accidents (V01-V99, Y85)(e) | 1 036 | 366 | 1 402 | 1.0 |
 | Pedestrian injured in transport accident (V01-V09) | 125 | 58 | 183 | 0.1 |
 |  | Pedestrian injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van (V03) | 92 | 44 | 136 | 0.1 |
 |  | Pedestrian injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus (V04) | 17 | 7 | 24 | - |
 | Motorcycle rider injured in transport accident (V20-V29) | 207 | 19 | 226 | 0.2 |
 |  | Motorcycle rider injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van (V23) | 68 | 6 | 74 | 0.1 |
 |  | Motorcycle rider injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus (V24) | 19 | 1 | 22 | - |
 |  | Motorcycle rider injured in collision with fixed or stationary object (V27) | 68 | 5 | 73 | 0.1 |
 |  | Motorcycle rider injured in noncollision transport accident (V28) | 34 | 1 | 36 | - |
 | Car occupant injured in transport accident (V40-V49) | 502 | 240 | 742 | 0.5 |
 |  | Car occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck or van (V43) | 120 | 74 | 194 | 0.1 |
 |  | Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus (V44) | 56 | 28 | 84 | 0.1 |
 |  | Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object (V47) | 219 | 93 | 312 | 0.2 |
 |  | Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident (V48) | 95 | 42 | 137 | 0.1 |
 | Other land transport accidents (V80-V89) | 41 | 13 | 54 | - |
 |  | Motor- or nonmotor-vehicle accident, type of vehicle unspecified (V89) | 15 | 8 | 23 | - |
 | Air and space transport accidents (V95-V97) | 35 | 9 | 44 | - |
 |  | Accident to powered aircraft causing injury to occupant (V95) | 33 | 9 | 42 | - |
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells) |
(a) Causes selected are those with 20 or more deaths at the 3 digit level of ICD-10. |
(b) 2008 data have been subject to process improvements which have increased the quality of these data. See Technical Note 1: 2008 COD Collection - Process Improvements for further information. |
(c) Causes of death data for 2008 are preliminary and subject to a revisions process. See Technical Note 2: Causes of Death - Revisions Process. |
(d) Data cells with small values have been randomly assigned to protect the confidentiality of individuals. As a result, some totals will not equal the sum of their components. Cells with a zero value have not been affected by confidentialisation. |
(e) Includes Sequelae of transport accidents (Y85). Care needs to be taken in interpreting figures relating to transport accidents for 2008. See Explanatory Note 69 for further information. |