During the 2008-09 financial year, expenditure on R&D by Australian government organisations was $3,420 million. Over the same period, human resources devoted to R&D by these organisations represented 17, 042 person years of effort (PYE).
Government resources devoted to R&D |
| | | 1998-99 | 2000-01 | 2002-03 | 2004-05 | 2006-07 | 2008-09 |
Expenditure on R&D - Current prices | | | | | | | |
| Commonwealth | $m | 1 179 | 1 405 | 1 531 | 1 544 | r2 046 | 2 252 |
| State/territory | $m | 864 | 951 | 951 | 942 | r1 049 | 1 169 |
| Total | $m | 2 043 | 2 356 | 2 482 | 2 486 | r3 095 | 3 420 |
Expenditure on R&D - Chain volume measures(a) | | | | | | | |
| Commonwealth | $m | 1 775 | 1 929 | 2 008 | 1 775 | 2 173 | 2 252 |
| State/territory | $m | 1 299 | 1 306 | 1 247 | 1 082 | 1 115 | 1 169 |
| Total | $m | 3 074 | 3 234 | 3 255 | 2 857 | 3 287 | 3 420 |
Human resources devoted to R&D | | | | | | | |
| Commonwealth | PYE | 9 353 | 9 565 | 10 185 | 9 368 | r9 481 | 9 209 |
| State/territory | PYE | 9 069 | 8 587 | 8 357 | 7 320 | r7 279 | 7 834 |
| Total | PYE | 18 422 | 18 151 | 18 542 | 16 687 | r16 760 | 17 042 |
r revised |
(a) The reference year for chain volume measures is 2008-09. See Explanatory Notes 30 and 31 for details. |
Commonwealth government organisations contributed 66% ($2,252 million) to total GOVERD and 54% (9,209 PYE) of total human resources devoted to government R&D in 2008-09. This compares to contributions of 34% ($1,169 million) and 46% (7,834 PYE), respectively, by State and territory government organisations.