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| 1996 | |
| | Chapter | 10 | 1996 Census Dictionary: Introduction | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1000 | 1996 Census Dictionary: Section One: 1996 Census Classifications | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1010 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: About the 1996 census classifications | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1020 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Changes to classification mnemonics | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1030 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Mnemonic index | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1040 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Topic index | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1100 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Origin - ABLP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1110 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Age - AGEP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1120 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Age Left School - ALSP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1130 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Australian Citizenship - NATP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1140 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Birthplace of Individual - BPLP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1150 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Birthplace of Mother (Female Parent) - BPFP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1160 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Birthplace of Father (male parent) - BPMP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1170 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Child Type - CTPP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1180 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Count of Dependent Children Under 15 Temporarily Absent - CDCAF | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1190 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Count of Dependent Students (15 - 24) Temporarily Absent - CDSAF | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1200 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Count of Non-Dependent Children Temporarily Absent - CNDAF | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1210 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Count of Persons Temporarily Absent from Family - CPAF | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1220 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Count of Persons Temporarily Absent from Household - CPAD | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1230 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Dwelling Location - DLOD | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1240 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Dwelling Structure - STRD | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1250 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Dwelling Type - DWTD | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1260 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Family Income Derivation Indicator - FIDF | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1270 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Family Income (weekly) - FINF | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1280 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Family Number - FNOF | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1290 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Family Type - FMTF | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1300 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Family/Household Reference Person Indicator - RPIP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1310 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Full/Part-Time Student - STUP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1320 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Furnished/Unfurnished Rented Dwelling - FUFD | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1330 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Hours Worked - HRSP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1350 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Household Income Derivation Indicator - HIDD | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1360 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Household income (weekly) - HIND | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1370 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Household One Year Mobility Indicator - MV1D | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1375 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Household Five Year Mobility Indicator - MV5D | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1380 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Household Type - HHTD | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1390 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Housing Loan Repayments (monthly) - HLRD | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1400 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Housing Loan Repayments (monthly) - in ranges - HLRD01 | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1410 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Imputation flag - IMPP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1420 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Income - INCP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1430 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Industry - INDP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1440 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Industry Sector - GNGP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1450 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Labour Force Status/Status in Employment - LFSP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1460 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Landlord Type - LLDD | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1470 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Language Spoken at Home - LANP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1480 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Location of Spouse - SPLF | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1490 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Method of Travel to Work - TPTP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1500 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Number of Bedrooms in Private Dwelling - BEDD | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1510 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Number of Children Ever Born - TISP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1520 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Number of Motor Vehicles - VEHD | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1530 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Occupation - OCCP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1540 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Post-School Educational Qualifications: Field of Study - QALFP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1550 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Post-School Educational Qualifications: Level of Attainment - QALLP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1560 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Post-School Educational Qualifications: Year Completed - QALYP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1570 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Postal Area of Usual Address Census Night - POCUCP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1580 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Proficiency in English - ENGP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1590 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Proficiency in English/Language - ENGP01 | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1600 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Registered Marital Status - MSTP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1610 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Relationship Between Families - FRLF | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1620 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Relationship in Household - RLHP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1630 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Relationship in Non-Private Dwelling - RLNP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1640 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Religion - RELP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1650 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Rent (Weekly) - RNTD | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1660 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Rent (Weekly) - in ranges - RNTD01 | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1670 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Sex - SEXP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1680 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: SLA of Usual Residence Census Night - SLAUCP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1690 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: SLA of Usual Residence One Year Ago - SLAU1P | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1700 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: SLA of Usual Residence Five Years Ago - SLAU5P | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1710 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Social Marital Status - MDCP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1720 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: State of Usual Residence Census Night - STEUCP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1730 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: State of Usual Residence One Year Ago - STEU1P | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1740 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: State of Usual Residence Five Years Ago - STEU5P | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1750 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Tenure Type - TEND | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1760 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Type of Educational Institution Attending - TYPP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1770 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Type of Non-Private Dwelling - NPDD | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1780 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Usual Address Indicator Census Night - UAICP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1790 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Usual Address One Year Ago Indicator - UAI1P | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1800 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Usual Address Five Year Ago Indicator - UAI5P | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1810 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Usual Residence and Internal Migration Indicator - URIP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1820 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Work Destination Study Area - DZSP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1830 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Work Destination Zone - DZNP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 1840 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section One: 1996 Census Classifications: Year of Arrival in Australia - YARP | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2000 | 1996 Census Dictionary: Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2010 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: A | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2020 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: B | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2030 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: C | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2040 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: D | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2050 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: E | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2060 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: F | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2070 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: G | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2080 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: H | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2090 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: I | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2100 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: J | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2110 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: K, L | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2120 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: M | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2130 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: N | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2140 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: O | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2150 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: P | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2160 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: Q | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2170 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: R | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2180 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: S | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2190 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: T | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2200 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: U | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2210 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: V | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2220 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: W | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Chapter | 2230 | 1996 Census Dictionary.
Section Two: Glossary of Census Concepts: X, Y, Z | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Contents | 2 | Contents | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
| | Main Features | 1 | About this Release | 07/03/1996 | Previous |  |
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