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 | ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |  |
 | ABSCQ | Australian Bureau of Statistics Classification of Qualifications |  |
 | ACS | Australian Customs Service |  |
 | AHECC | Australian Harmonised Export Commodity Classification |  |
 | ANCO | Australian National Classification of Offences |  |
 | ANZSCC | Australian and New Zealand Standard Commodity Classification |  |
 | ANZSIC | Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification |  |
 | AQF | Australian Qualifications Framework |  |
 | ASCCSS | Australian Standard Classification of Countries for Social Statistics |  |
 | ASCL | Australian Standard Classification of Languages |  |
 | ASCO | Australian Standard Classification of Occupations |  |
 | ASCRG | Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups |  |
 | ASGC | Australian Standard Geographical Classification |  |
 | ASOC | Australian Standard Offence Classification |  |
 | ASRC | Australian Standard Research Classification |  |
 | CD | Collection District |  |
 | COFOG | Classification of Functions of Government |  |
 | CPC | Central Product Classification |  |
 | ETF | Economic Type Framework |  |
 | GFS | Government Finance Statistics |  |
 | GPC | Government Purpose Classification |  |
 | HS | Harmonized System |  |
 | HSDCS | Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System |  |
 | LGA | Local Government Area |  |
 | MSR | Major Statistical Region |  |
 | n.e.c | not elsewhere classified |  |
 | NPI | Non-Profit Institution |  |
 | SACC | Standard Australian Classification of Countries |  |
 | SD | Statistical Division |  |
 | S Dist | Statistical District |  |
 | SESCA | Standard Economic Sector Classifications of Australia |  |
 | SISCA | Standard Institutional Sector Classification of Australia |  |
 | SITC | Standard International Trade Classification |  |
 | SLA | Statistical Local Area |  |
 | SNZ | Statistics New Zealand |  |
 | SOS | Sections of State |  |
 | SR | Statistical Region |  |
 | SSD | Statstical Subdivisions |  |
 | TOLO | Type of Legal Organisation |  |
 | TTFC | Taxes, Fees and Fines Classification |  |
 | UC/L | Urban Centres and Localities |  |
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