| A | Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing |  |
 |  | 01 | Agriculture |  |
 |  | 02 | Services to Agriculture; Hunting and Trapping |  |
 |  | 03 | Forestry and Logging |  |
 |  | 04 | Commercial Fishing
|  |
 | B | Mining |  |
 |  | 11 | Coal Mining |  |
 |  | 12 | Oil and Gas Extraction |  |
 |  | 13 | Metal Ore Mining |  |
 |  | 14 | Other Mining |  |
 |  | 15 | Services to Mining
|  |
 | C | Manufacturing |  |
 |  | 21 | Food, Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing |  |
 |  | 22 | Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Leather Manufacturing |  |
 |  | 23 | Wood and Paper Product Manufacturing |  |
 |  | 24 | Printing, Publishing and Recorded Media |  |
 |  | 25 | Petroleum, Coal, Chemical and Associated Product Manufacturing |  |
 |  | 26 | Non-Metallic Mineral Product Manufacturing |  |
 |  | 27 | Metal Product Manufacturing |  |
 |  | 28 | Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing |  |
 |  | 29 | Other Manufacturing
|  |
 | D | Electricity, Gas and Water Supply |  |
 |  | 36 | Electricity and Gas Supply |  |
 |  | 37 | Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Services
|  |
 | E | Construction |  |
 |  | 41 | General Construction |  |
 |  | 42 | Construction Trade Services
|  |
 | F | Wholesale Trade |  |
 |  | 45 | Basic Material Wholesaling |  |
 |  | 46 | Machinery and Motor Vehicle Wholesaling |  |
 |  | 47 | Personal and Household Good Wholesaling
|  |
 | G | Retail Trade |  |
 |  | 51 | Food Retailing |  |
 |  | 52 | Personal and Household Good Retailing |  |
 |  | 53 | Motor Vehicle Retailing and Services
|  |
 | H | Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants |  |
 |  | 57 | Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants
|  |
 | I | Transport and Storage |  |
 |  | 61 | Road Transport |  |
 |  | 62 | Rail Transport |  |
 |  | 63 | Water Transport |  |
 |  | 64 | Air and Space Transport |  |
 |  | 65 | Other Transport |  |
 |  | 66 | Services to Transport |  |
 |  | 67 | Storage
|  |
 | J | Communication Services |  |
 |  | 71 | Communication Services
|  |
 | K | Finance and Insurance |  |
 |  | 73 | Finance |  |
 |  | 74 | Insurance |  |
 |  | 75 | Services to Finance and Insurance
|  |
 | L | Property and Business Services |  |
 |  | 77 | Property Services |  |
 |  | 78 | Business Services
|  |
 | M | Government Administration and Defence |  |
 |  | 81 | Government Administration |  |
 |  | 82 | Defence
|  |
 | N | Education |  |
 |  | 84 | Education
|  |
 | O | Health and Community Services |  |
 |  | 86 | Health Services |  |
 |  | 87 | Community Services
|  |
 | P | Cultural and Recreational Services |  |
 |  | 91 | Motion Picture, Radio and Television Services |  |
 |  | 92 | Libraries, Museums and the Arts |  |
 |  | 93 | Sport and Recreation
|  |
 | Q | Personal and Other Services |  |
 |  | 95 | Personal Services |  |
 |  | 96 | Other Services |  |
 |  | 97 | Private Households Employing Staff |  |