31. The PRODUCT element represents the commodities frequently used by visitors. These may be goods or services obtained on a commercial or non-commercial basis. For example, the commodity might be a souvenir purchased in a market, or accommodation in a friend's house for which no payment is made. This element of the event provides the link between the demand side (the CONSUMER) and the supply side (the SUPPLIER) of tourism.
The components of PRODUCT
32. The following classification of the PRODUCT element is recommended.
|  |
 | Code |  | Description |  |
 | |  |
1. Package travel, package holidays and package tours |  |
 | |  |
 | 1.0 |  | Package travel, package holidays and package tours |  |
2. Accommodation |  |
 | 2.1 |  | Hotels and similar accommodation |  |
 | 2.1.1 |  | Hotels and resorts |  |
 | |  | Hotels |  |
 | |  | With bath/shower and toilet facilities in most guest rooms |  |
 | | | Without bath/shower and toilet facilities in most guest rooms |  |
 | |  | Resorts |  |
 | 2.1.2 |  | Motels, guest houses and similar accommodation |  |
 | |  | Motels, motor inns and private hotels |  |
 | |  | With bath/shower and toilet facilities in most guest rooms |  |
 | |  | Without bath/shower and toilet facilities in most guest rooms |  |
 | |  | Guest houses |  |
 | |  | With bath/shower and toilet facilities in most guest rooms |  |
 | |  | Without bath/shower and toilet facilities in most guest rooms |  |
 | |  | Bed and breakfasts |  |
 | |  | With bath/shower and toilet facilities in most guest rooms |  |
 | |  | Without bath/shower and toilet facilities in most guest rooms |  |
 | |  | Self-catering accommodation |  |
 | |  | With daily servicing (cleaning and bed making) available (e.g. Serviced Apartments) |  |
 | |  | Without daily servicing (cleaning and bed making) available |  |
 | 2.1.3 |  | Other commercial accommodation |  |
 | |  | Health and fitness establishments |  |
 | |  | Visitor hostels |  |
 | |  | Holiday farm (Host farm, Farm stay) accommodation |  |
 | |  | Caravan parks |  |
 | |  | With full facilities |  |
 | |  | Without full facilities |  |
 | |  | Camping grounds |  |
 | |  | Private dwellings (for special events/holidays) |  |
 | |  | Group booked accommodation |  |
2.2 |  |
Transport and institutional accommodation |  |
 | 2.2.1 |  | Accommodation on transport modes |  |
 | |  | Accommodation on inland water craft |  |
 | |  | Craft rented with crew |  |
 | |  | Craft rented without crew |  |
 | |  | Cruise or ferry service |  |
 | |  | Accommodation on coastal/international-water craft |  |
 | |  | Craft rented with crew |  |
 | |  | Craft rented without crew |  |
 | |  | Cruise or ferry service |  |
 | |  | Accommodation on aircraft |  |
 | |  | Accommodation on road transport |  |
 | |  | Accommodation on railway trains |  |
 | 2.2.2 |  | Institutional and other commercial accommodation |  |
 | |  | Educational institutions |  |
 | |  | Health institutions |  |
2.3 |  |
Non-commercial accommodation |  |
 | 2.3.1 |  | Private property |  |
 | |  | Own property |  |
 | |  | Friends/relatives property |  |
 | |  | Accommodation provided free of charge |  |
 | |  | Accommodation for which payment is made |  |
 | |  | Property owned by business or other group |  |
 | |  | Privately owned water craft |  |
 | |  | Privately owned aircraft |  |
 | 2.3.2 |  | Other non-commercial accommodation |  |
 | |  | Caravanning/camping in non-commercial area |  |
 | |  | Other |  |
3. Food and drink |  |
 | 3.1 |  | Restaurant, cafe, bar, tavern, etc. |  |
 | 3.2 |  | Food/drink for preparation and/or consumption elsewhere |  |
4. Transport |  |
 | 4.1 |  | Air |  |
 | 4.1.1 |  | Scheduled flights |  |
 | 4.1.2 |  | Non-scheduled flights |  |
 | 4.1.3 |  | Other services |  |
4.2 |  |
Waterway |  |
 | 4.2.1 |  | Passenger lines and ferries |  |
 | 4.2.2 |  | Cruise |  |
 | 4.2.3 |  | Other |  |
4.3 |  |
Land |  |
 | 4.3.1 |  | Railway |  |
 | 4.3.2 |  | Motor coach or bus and other public road transport |  |
 | 4.3.3 |  | Private vehicles (with capacity for up to eight persons) |  |
 | 4.3.4 |  | Vehicle rental |  |
 | 4.3.5 |  | Other means of land transport |  |
4.4 |  |
Other transport items |  |
5. Recreation, culture and sporting activities |  |
 | 5.1 |  | Recreation and sporting |  |
 | 5.2 |  | Cultural |  |
 | 5.3 |  | Entertainment |  |
6. Shopping |  |
 | 6.1 |  | Clothing and footwear |  |
 | 6.2 |  | Souvenir toys (eg. koalas/kangaroos) |  |
6.3 |  |
Foodstuffs (to take home) |  |
 | 6.3.1 |  | Chocolates/confectionery (to take home) |  |
 | 6.3.2 |  | Alcoholic products (to take home) |  |
 | 6.3.3 |  | Other foodstuffs |  |
6.4 |  |
Books and magazines |  |
 | 6.5 |  | Handcrafts (incl. carvings, paintings, etc.) |  |
 | 6.6 |  | Jewellery (incl. gemstones) |  |
 | 6.7 |  | Perfumes/Cosmetics/Toiletries |  |
 | 6.8 |  | Household products |  |
 | 6.9 |  | Photographic equipment (incl. film) |  |
6.10 |  |
Other goods |  |
 | 6.10.1 |  | Travel goods |  |
 | 6.10.2 |  | CDs/Cassettes |  |
 | 6.10.3 |  | Tobacco products |  |
 | 6.10.4 |  | Souvenirs, n.e.c. |  |
 | 6.10.5 |  | Other goods |  |
7. Other |  |
 | 7.1 |  | Business services |  |
 | 7.2 |  | Travel items/charges n.e.c. |  |
 | 7.3 |  | Health/medical |  |
 | 7.4 |  | Education/training |  |
 | 7.5 |  | Other services n.e.c. |  |
 | |  |
33. This Framework attempts to provide linkages between the standards adopted for the various components of tourism statistics and relevant broader Australian and international standards, where these exist. While the PRODUCT classification is custom designed for tourism purposes it is desirable to have a linkage between this classification and an Australian and international standard commodity classifications. This would enable commodity data collected in tourism statistics collections to be linked and compared with commodity data from other statistical collections which use the Australian, international, or a related, standard. To provide such a linkage, a concordance between the PRODUCT classification and the standard international classification of goods and services, the Central Product Classification (CPC), has been developed and is provided in Appendix 1. Because the nature and focus of the two classifications are different, the relationships between the respective categories are not precise. Additionally, the PRODUCT classification comprises some non-commercial commodities which are not covered in the CPC.
Definitions of the components of PRODUCT
34. This section provides the definitions of the components of PRODUCT listed above, in the following pages:
|  |
 | Code | Description |  |
 | |  |
 | 1. | Package travel, package holidays and package tours
Package tour purchased before or during the trip.
Includes packages which combine transport and one or more of accommodation, food or tour costs. Expenditure should only be included in this category if the costs of each component of the package cannot be split into the categories below.
Excludes cruise ship travel which is included under Transport in 4.2.2 Cruise. |  |
 | |  |
2. |
Accommodation services provided by commercial and non-commercial units:
|  |
 | 2.1. | Hotels and similar accommodation
|  |
 | 2.1.1. | Hotels and resorts
|  |
 | | Hotels
Comprises accommodation in establishments which are licensed to operate a public bar and which provide accommodation on a room/suite basis.
Excludes resorts (see - Resorts).
|  |
 | | With bath/shower and toilet facilities in most guest rooms.
|  |
 | | Without bath/shower and toilet facilities in most guest rooms.
|  |
 | | Resorts |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation in establishments which are integrated complexes containing accommodation and a variety of eating and drinking places. These establishments provide facilities/services additional to those commonly provided by hotels or motels. They may encompass some natural physical amenities, a special location, attraction or activity. They provide accommodation on a room/suite/cabin/unit basis. These establishments provide sufficient night life and day time activities to encourage an extended, self-contained, on-site holiday. Some establishments may comprise multiple accommodation types. An inclusive tariff (food and accommodation) may be offered and in some establishments the use of recreational/entertainment facilities may also be included in the tariff.
|  |
 | 2.1.2. | Motels, guest houses and similar accommodation
|  |
 | | Motels, motor inns and private hotels |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation in a sub-set of establishments which are not licensed to operate a public bar and which provide accommodation on a room/suite basis. Many of the establishments in this sub-set are designed to cater for motoring visitors, with parking facilities outside or close to each room. Some may have a licensed restaurant open to the general public and/or a limited liquor license (as opposed to a public bar license) which would enable them to serve guests and persons accompanying guests. Breakfast is generally available. Tariffs usually include room only or bed and breakfast but not full board.
Excludes guest houses (see - Guest Houses) and bed and breakfast establishments (see - Bed and breakfasts)
|  |
 | | With bath/shower and toilet facilities in most guest rooms.
|  |
 | | Without bath/shower and toilet facilities in most guest rooms.
|  |
 | | Guest houses |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation in a sub-set of establishments which are not licensed to operate a public bar and which provide accommodation on a room/suite basis.
Includes homesteads, mansions, colonial and historical accommodation, cottages and rural retreats converted to provide commercial accommodation. 'Boutique hotels' may also be included, where they are not licensed to operate a public bar.
These establishments are usually located in a rural or semi-rural environment and are often of some historic interest. They usually provide relaxing attractive surroundings and are primarily aimed at the leisure market. The establishments in this sub-set additionally have the owners in residence and personally managing the operations of the business. Tariffs often include full board, but may include room only or bed and breakfast only. Some may have a licensed restaurant open to the general public and/or a limited liquor license (as opposed to a public bar license) which would enable them to serve guests and persons accompanying guests.
Excludes motels, motor inns and private hotels (see - Motels, motor inns and private hotels), bed and breakfast establishments (see - Bed and breakfasts) and farm stay accommodation (see - Farm stay accommodation).
|  |
 | | With bath/shower and toilet facilities in most guest rooms.
|  |
 | | Without bath/shower and toilet facilities in most guest rooms.
|  |
 | | Bed and Breakfasts |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation in a sub-set of establishments which are not licensed to operate a public bar and which provide accommodation on a room or unit basis.
For establishments in this sub-set, the tariff includes accommodation and full cooked breakfast and they are not licensed to sell liquor to guests. They generally have the owner/manager in residence and personally managing the operations of the business.
Often establishments in this sub-set were originally built as a private residence or for another purpose other than the provision of commercial accommodation.
They normally do not provide a reception facility or any recreational facilities. Generally toilet and bathing facilities are shared. Meals, in addition to breakfast, may be available in some cases. They also tend to provide short-stay accommodation (predominantly one or two nights). They normally do not encourage occupancy during the day time.
Excludes motels, motor inns and private hotels (see - Motels, motor inns and private hotels) and guest houses (see - Guest houses).
|  |
 | | With bath/shower and toilet facilities in most guest rooms.
|  |
 | | Without bath/shower and toilet facilities in most guest rooms.
|  |
 | | Self-catering accommodation |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation in establishments which provide accommodation in individual units that are fully self-contained in terms of cooking, bath/shower and toilet facilities.
Accommodation is let by the individual unit. Breakfast and other meals are generally self-catered at these establishments but may be available in some cases.
Includes short stay apartments, flats, houses, chalets, villas and cottages, where these are operated on a self-catering basis. Also includes time-share units where a unit is not occupied by a time-share subscriber and is being let to a visitor on a commercial basis.
|  |
 | | With daily servicing (cleaning and bed making) available (e.g. Serviced Apartments).
|  |
 | | Without daily servicing (cleaning and bed making) available.
|  |
 | 2.1.3. | Other commercial accommodation
|  |
 | | Health and fitness establishments |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation in establishments which specialise in the provision of health/fitness/dietary activities on-site. These activities are usually included in the tariff. These establishments provide accommodation on a room/site/cabin/unit basis.
Excludes hospitals, nursing homes, sanatoria etc. (see - Health institutions), where the provision of accommodation is ancillary to the provision of health services.
|  |
 | | Visitor hostels |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation in establishments which provide accommodation primarily on a bed basis. Generally, facilities are shared in these establishments. Accommodation is commonly, but not necessarily, dormitory style. This type of accommodation is typically aimed at the 'backpacker' market.
Excludes charity type accommodation, which is not aimed at bona-fide visitors. Farm stay accommodation is also excluded (see - Farm stay accommodation).
|  |
 | | Farm stay accommodation |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation in establishments which are engaged in some agricultural or pastoral activity and which provide accommodation to visitors on a commercial basis. In most cases the provision of accommodation is a secondary activity. In some cases, however, it may have become the primary activity but some agricultural or pastoral activity must still be undertaken. These establishments provide accommodation on a unit/room/bed/site basis.
Note. Former farms which are now only providing accommodation would be included in - Guest houses or - Bed and breakfasts.
|  |
 | | Caravan parks |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation in establishments which provide powered sites for caravans, camper vans and mobile homes. Generally shower, toilet and laundry facilities would be shared at these establishments. Many establishments also provide accommodation in units, villas or on-site caravans. Usually some camping facilities are available.
|  |
 | | With full facilities
Comprises accommodation in caravan parks with shower, toilet and laundry facilities available.
|  |
 | | Without full facilities
Comprises accommodation in caravan parks without one or more of shower, toilet or laundry facilities available.
|  |
 | | Camping grounds |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation in establishments which predominantly provide sites for campers.
Includes commercial camping grounds and national parks where a site charge for camping is levied. They may have some unpowered sites suitable for accommodating caravans, camper vans and mobile homes.
Note. If powered sites for accommodating caravans, camper vans and mobile homes are available the accommodation is classified to - Caravan parks.
|  |
 | | Private dwellings for special events/holidays |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation made available to the general public on a commercial basis at times of special events (eg. the Grand Prix) or holiday periods (e.g. Christmas, school holidays) in private dwellings or property.
Excludes accommodation on own property (see - Own property and friends/relatives property (see Friends/relatives property).
|  |
 | | Group-booked accommodation |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation in establishments which provide accommodation on a group-booked basis only. Such establishments would typically be run by a non-accommodation business or a community, social, educational or other similar group (eg. churches, scout and youth groups, sporting clubs, etc.).
Accommodation in these establishments is provided on a commercial basis. The accommodation may be provided on a bed, room, unit or site basis and may be charged for either on an individual or a group basis. Typical examples of this type would include accommodation in scout and church properties, ski club lodges, trade union holiday camps and corporate training centres.
Excludes accommodation provided on a non-paying or heavily subsidised basis (see - Property owned by business or other group).
|  |
 | 2.2. | Transport and institutional accommodation
|  |
 | 2.2.1. | Accommodation on transport modes
|  |
 | | Accommodation on inland water craft |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation on inland (rivers, lakes and canals) water craft on a single berth or complete boat basis.
Includes houseboats, yachts, cruise ships and similar craft.
Excludes the use of privately owned water craft (see - Privately owned water craft).
|  |
 | | Craft rented with crew
Comprises accommodation on a craft which is rented complete, including operating crew. Generally the craft is fully equipped. The travel itinerary is determined by the renter.
|  |
 | | Craft rented without crew
Comprises accommodation on a craft which is rented complete, but without operating crew. Generally the craft is fully equipped. The craft is piloted by the renter who determines the travel itinerary.
|  |
 | | Cruise or ferry service
Comprises accommodation on scheduled services but may also include services operated on a charter basis. Accommodation is provided on a single berth or cabin basis and the itinerary is pre-determined by the operators.
|  |
 | | Accommodation on coastal/international water craft |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation on coastal/international water craft on a single berth or complete boat basis.
Includes yachts, cruise ships and similar craft.
Excludes the use of privately owned water craft (see - Privately owned water craft)
|  |
 | | Craft rented with crew
Comprises accommodation on a craft which is rented complete, including operating crew. Generally the craft is fully equipped. The travel itinerary is determined by the renter.
|  |
 | | Craft rented without crew
Comprises accommodation on a craft which is rented complete, but without operating crew. Generally the craft is fully equipped. The craft is piloted by the renter who determines the travel itinerary.
|  |
 | | Cruise or ferry service
Comprises accommodation on scheduled services but may also include services operated on a charter basis. Accommodation is provided on a single berth or cabin basis and the itinerary is pre-determined by the operators.
|  |
 | | Accommodation on aircraft |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation in transit on aircraft.
Excludes the use of privately owned aircraft (see - Privately owned aircraft).
|  |
 | | Accommodation on road transport |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation on commercial transport, including bus, coach, chauffeured vehicle or hired self-drive vehicle, rented camper-van or caravan while in transit. The vehicle may be moving or stopped at the roadside.
Excludes vehicles in caravan parks (see - Caravan parks) or commercial camping areas (see - Camping grounds). The use of privately owned motor vehicles is also excluded (see - Caravanning/camping in non-commercial area).
|  |
 | | Accommodation on railway trains |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation on railway trains. Includes accommodation in sleeping berths or seats.
|  |
 | 2.2.2. | Institutional and other commercial accommodation
|  |
 | | Educational institutions |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation in establishments whose principal business is education.
Includes halls of residence and dormitories which are principally provided for students, but are let out to visitors on a commercial basis when available.
|  |
 | | Health institutions |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation in establishments whose principal activity is the provision of health services and where accommodation is a component of the overall charge.
Includes hospitals and nursing homes.
Excludes establishments whose primary activity is the provision of accommodation but which specialise in health/fitness activities (see - Health and fitness establishments).
|  |
 | 2.3. | Non-commercial accommodation
|  |
 | 2.3.1. | Private property
|  |
 | | Own property |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation on property owned by the occupying visitor. The property is not the main residence of the occupying visitor.
Includes caravanning/camping on own property but excludes caravanning/camping in other non-commercial area (see - Caravanning/camping in non-commercial area) and caravanning/camping in a commercial caravan park (see - Caravan parks).
Excludes accommodation on privately owned water craft (see - Privately owned water craft) or aircraft (see - Privately owned aircraft).
|  |
 | | Friends'/relatives' property |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation on property owned by friends/relatives of the occupying visitor. The property may or may not be the main residence of friends/relatives.
Excludes caravanning/camping in a non-commercial area (see - Caravanning/camping in non-commercial area) and accommodation on privately owned water craft (see - Privately owned water craft) or aircraft (see - Privately owned aircraft).
|  |
 | | Accommodation provided free of charge
Comprises accommodation in friends'/relatives' property which is provided with no fee for service.
|  |
 | | Accommodation for which payment is made
Comprises accommodation in friends'/relatives' property for which payment (in cash or kind) is made.
|  |
 | | Property owned by business or other group |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation on property owned and operated by a non-accommodation business, industrial organisation or a community, social, educational or other similar group (e.g. churches, scout and youth groups, sporting clubs).
Includes accommodation for which no payment is made or which is heavily subsidised. Typical examples of this type would include accommodation in scout and church camps, ski club lodges, union holiday camps and corporate training centres.
Excludes accommodation provided on a commercial group-booked basis (see Group-booked accommodation).
|  |
 | | Privately owned water craft |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation on privately owned water craft. The craft may be privately owned by the visitor, friends or relatives of the visitor, employer or some other body.
|  |
 | | Privately owned aircraft |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation on privately owned aircraft. The aircraft may be privately owned by the visitor, friends or relatives of the visitor, employer or some other body.
|  |
 | 2.3.2. | Other non-commercial accommodation
|  |
 | | Caravanning/camping in non-commercial area |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation in privately owned caravan, camper-van or other road vehicle or tent on crown land (eg. roadside rest area, State forest, etc.) or other non-commercial location not included in another category.
Excludes accommodation in commercial caravan parks (see - Caravan parks) or camping grounds or parks for which there is a charge for camping (see - Camping grounds). Accommodation on own property (see - Own property), friends/relatives property (see - Friends/relatives property) or property owned by another group (see - Property owned by business or another group) is also excluded.
|  |
 | | Other |  |
 |  | Comprises accommodation which involves overnight spent at railway stations, airports, religious establishments, military barracks or camps, police stations, business premises or other locations not elsewhere classified. |  |
 | |  |
3. |
Food and drink |  |
 |  | Purchases of food or drink, prepared or unprepared, eaten-in or taken-out, in a business unit open to the general public or in a club servicing members and guests.
|  |
 | 3.1. | Restaurant, cafe, bar, tavern, etc. |  |
 |  | Purchase and consumption of food or drink on the premises of an establishment providing food/drink for eating-in.
|  |
 | 3.2. | Food/drink for preparation and/or consumption elsewhere |  |
 |  | Purchase and/or consumption of food or drink off the premises of a business where purchased. |  |
 | |  |
4. |
Transport |  |
 |  | Use of a means of travel to or within the destination, or expenditure incurred primarily to facilitate that travel e.g. purchase of fuel, repairs.
Excludes expenditure on non-travel items such as food, drink and entertainment during travel.
|  |
 | 4.1. | Air |  |
 |  | International or domestic travel by any type of aircraft.
|  |
 | 4.1.1. | Scheduled flights |  |
 |  | Use of a fixed route scheduled service.
|  |
 | 4.1.2. | Non-scheduled flights |  |
 |  | Use of a chartered craft with crew for travel, usually by a group, to a specific destination and return.
|  |
 | 4.1.3. | Other services |  |
 |  | Use of a private craft or other commercial service not specified above.
|  |
 | 4.2. | Waterway |  |
 |  | Sea, coastal or inland water travel by any type of watercraft.
|  |
 | 4.2.1. | Passenger lines and ferries |  |
 |  | Use of a fixed route scheduled service, where the main purpose is transportation from one point to another.
|  |
 | 4.2.2. | Cruise |  |
 |  | Travel by scheduled or chartered cruise, usually (although not necessarily) with the same starting and finishing point.
|  |
 | 4.2.3. | Other |  |
 |  | Use of a private craft or other commercial service not specified above.
|  |
 | 4.3. | Land |  |
 |  | International or domestic travel by any type of land vehicle. Includes man- or animal-drawn vehicles as well as motor vehicles.
|  |
 | 4.3.1. | Railway |  |
 |  | Use of scheduled or chartered rail service. Excludes travel by tram (light rail).
|  |
 | 4.3.2. | Motor coach or bus and other public transport |  |
 |  | Use of scheduled road transport. Includes trams (light rail).
|  |
 | 4.3.3. | Private vehicles |  |
 |  | Use of a privately owned road vehicle. The vehicle may be owned by the visitor or a friend/relative or someone else other than the visitor.
|  |
 | 4.3.4. | Vehicle rental |  |
 |  | Rental, or charter, of a road transport vehicle, with or without a driver, from a commercial business. Includes self-drive car or motorcycle, taxi, chauffeured service or bus/coach.
|  |
 | 4.3.5. | Other means of land transport |  |
 |  | Use of other land transport not specified above.
|  |
 | 4.4. | Other transport items |  |
 |  | Use of goods/services directly related to the transport mode used.
Includes travel agency services, purchase of fuels, repairs, toll charges, airport taxes and charges, parking charges, mooring charges, aircraft landing/parking charges, etc.
Excludes food or entertainment or other non-travel costs incurred while travelling. |  |
 | |  |
5. |
Recreation, culture and sporting activities |  |
 |  | Activities undertaken on the trip for entertainment or leisure purposes. Expenditure includes only admission charges and other charges for use of facilities.
Excludes expenditure on food, transport, souvenirs, etc.
|  |
 | 5.1. | Recreation and sporting |  |
 |  | Attendance at or participation in sporting or fitness activity, including at sports stadium or complex, gymnasium, steam baths, sauna, spa, etc. Also includes use of a public or privately owned recreation park or beach, or other public or private land for picnics, barbecues, etc., fishing and gambling or betting activities such as at a casino, horse racing, lottery or privately.
|  |
 | 5.2. | Cultural |  |
 |  | Attendance at cultural centre, including museum, art gallery or other specialist exhibition, library, building or site of historic interest, botanical or zoological garden, nature or wildlife reserve, etc.
|  |
 | 5.3. | Entertainment |  |
 |  | Attendance at an entertainment centre, including cinema, theatre, concert hall, amusement park, theme park, carnival, circus, rodeo, ballroom, disco, etc., or entertainment at a private home or property. |  |
 | |  |
6. |
Shopping |  |
 |  | Purchase of goods before the trip for use on the trip, or of goods during the trip for use after the trip.
Includes the purchase of souvenirs, clothing, jewellery, or luggage.
Excludes the purchase of services.
|  |
 | 6.1. | Clothing and footwear |  |
 |  | Purchase of items of clothing and footwear.
Includes such items obtained before the trip for use on the trip, or such items obtained during the trip for use on or after the trip.
|  |
 | 6.2. | Souvenir toys |  |
 |  | Purchase of souvenir toys, such as toy koalas or kangaroos, for gifts to friends/relatives or to keep as memorabilia of the trip.
|  |
 | 6.3. | Foodstuffs (to take home) |  |
 |  | Purchase of food items or beverages which will be taken home.
Excludes foodstuffs purchases for consumption on the trip, which should be included in '3 Food and drink'.
|  |
 | 6.4. | Books and magazines |  |
 |  | Purchase of books, magazines, newspapers or other reading material.
Includes such items obtained before the trip for use on the trip, or such items obtained during the trip for use on or after the trip.
|  |
 | 6.5 | Handcrafts (incl. carvings, paintings, etc.) |  |
 |  | Purchase of handcrafts, such as carvings, paintings, leathercraft, sculptures, or any other type of handcraft. Usually such items are purchased to take home as souvenirs or for gifts to friends/relatives.
|  |
 | 6.6. | Jewellery (incl. gemstones) |  |
 |  | Purchase of items of jewellery or gemstones.
Includes such items obtained before the trip for use on the trip, or such items obtained during the trip for use on or after the trip.
|  |
 | 6.7. | Perfumes/cosmetics/toiletries |  |
 |  | Purchase of perfumes, cosmetics or toiletries for personal care. Such items may be purchased duty free.
Includes such items obtained before the trip for use on the trip, or such items obtained during the trip for use on or after the trip.
|  |
 | 6.8. | Household products |  |
 |  | Purchase of linen, glassware, sheepskins or any other type of household products.
Includes such items obtained before the trip for use on the trip, or such items obtained during the trip for use on or after the trip.
|  |
 | 6.9. | Photographic equipment (incl. film) |  |
 |  | Purchase of cameras, videos, films or any other photographic items. Such items may be purchased duty free.
Includes such items obtained before the trip for use on the trip, or such items obtained during the trip for use on or after the trip.
|  |
 | 6.10. | Other goods |  |
 |  | Purchase of any other items (except services).
Includes any items obtained before the trip for use on the trip, or obtained during the trip for use on or after the trip. |  |
 | |  |
7. |
Other |  |
 |  | Purchase of other goods or services not elsewhere classified.
|  |
 | 7.1. | Business services |  |
 |  | Use of services or goods directly relating to the undertaking of business activities, such as secretarial or translator services, short-term rental of office space, etc.
|  |
 | 7.2. | Travel items/charges n.e.c. |  |
 |  | Travel costs including passport and visa charges, travel insurance, currency exchange and travellers' cheque charges, and tour guide charges.
|  |
 | 7.3. | Health/medical |  |
 |  | Use of services or goods directly relating to health, medical treatment, etc.,
Excludes health insurance which is included in 7.2 Travel items/charges n.e.c.'.
|  |
 | 7.4. | Education/training |  |
 |  | Use of services or goods directly relating to the undertaking of education/training.
Excludes accommodation, transport or other products elsewhere classified.
|  |
 | 7.5. | Other services n.e.c. |  |
 |  | Other services or goods relating to the trip, not elsewhere classified. |  |
 | |  |