Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics
 | ABS |
Australian Bureau of Statistics
 | AHECC |
Australian Harmonised Export Commodity Classification
 | ANA |
Australian National Accounts
Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification
 | APMI |
Price Indexes of Articles Produced by Manufacturing Industry
 | ASCO |
Australian Standard Classification of Occupation
 | ASIC |
Australian Standard Industrial Classifications
 | c.i.f. |
cost, insurance and freight
 | CPI |
 | DFD |
 | DFP |
 | EPI |
 | f.o.b. |
 | FWI |
Fixed-Weighted Price Indexes
 | GDP |
 | HB |
Price Index of Materials Used in House Building
 | HCP |
Household Consumption Purchases
 | HPI |
 | IOCC |
Input Output Commodity Classification
 | IPD |
 | IPI |
 | LCI |
 | MUMI |
Price Indexes of Materials Used in Manufacturing Industries
 | n.e.c. |
 | NPISH |
non-profit institutions serving households
 | OTHB |
Price Index of Materials Used in Building Other than House Building
 | PPI |
 | SITC |
Standard International Trade Classification
 | SOP |
Stage of Production producer price indexes
 | SNA |
System of National Accounts
 | SNA93 |
System of National Accounts 1993
 | SNZ |
 | WCI |