6212-13 |
Motor Vehicle Parts Interpreter
Automotive Parts Interpreter
Sells motor vehicle accessories and spare parts in retail or wholesale establishments.
Skill Level:
The entry requirement for this occupation is an AQF Certificate II or higher qualification or at least 1 years relevant experience.
Tasks Include:
- sells products such as vehicle spare parts, tyres, tubes, car radios and cassettes, seat covers, lights, tow bars, mirrors, batteries, lubricating oils, petrol and petroleum products
- receives orders for parts
- determines part sizes and details such as vehicle make, model, manufacturer and year
- searches microfiche and computer lists or books to find part numbers and cost
- obtains parts from storage
- calculates sales tax, discounts and prices to prepare accounts
- packages and despatches parts
- unpacks, sorts and stores parts
- collects and delivers parts
- may arrange for products to be installed