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Appendix 2: Further references regarding illicit drug use
This appendix contains a selected list of publications, websites and collections which may provide worthwhile information or references for research studies into specific aspects of illicit drug use in Australia. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of useful sources. A short description of each reference is provided, along with access details.
 | Australian Drug Information Network (ADIN)
Internet/web address | http://www.adin.com.au
Organisation | A consortium of organisations, led by the Australian Drug Foundation
Description | Funded by the National Illicit Drug Strategy, the Australian Drug Information Network site aims to provide and maintain links to a comprehensive range of information on the Internet regarding alcohol and other drugs. Interested organisations and individuals can search, receive and share current relevant information on licit and illicit drug issues. |
 | Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia (ADCA)
Description | Funded by the National Drug Strategy, ADCA is an independent organisation with the role of representation and advocacy on behalf of the alcohol and drug field. It maintains a comprehensive library on the subject, located in Canberra, which participates in inter-library loan services. Their website has a listing of up-coming conferences and contains links to many other relevant sites, both within Australia and overseas.
Contact | 17 Napier Close
P O Box 269
Telephone: 02 6281 0686;
Facsimile: 02 6281 0995;
Email: adca@adca.org.au
Internet: http://www.adca.org.au |
Publication | National Drug Strategic Framework 1998-99 to 2002-03: Building Partnerships, A strategy to reduce the harm caused by drugs in our community
Reference | Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy 1998, National Drug Strategic Framework 1998-99 to 2002-03: Building Partnerships, A strategy to reduce the harm caused by drugs in our community, AusInfo, Canberra.
Purpose | To present the National Drug Strategy’s plan for minimising the harm caused by drugs in Australia
Description | This document presents a shared vision, a framework for cooperation and a basis for coordinated action to reduce the harm caused by drugs in Australia.
Access | Available on the Internet http://www.health.gov.au/pubhlth/nds/ndsf/index.htm |
 | Social Science Data Archives (SSDA)
Organisation | Australian National University
Description | The SSDA collects and preserves computer-readable data resulting from research by academic, government and private organisations and individuals. The Archives maintains this extensive library of data relating to social, political and economic affairs and endeavours to make all datasets available to interested users for further analysis. A comprehensive list of available studies can be accessed from their website. The SSDA will assist inquirers to locate the best available data sources regarding their field of interest.
Contact | Social Science Data Archives
Research School of Social Sciences
Institute of Advanced Studies
The Australian National University
Telephone: 02 6125 4400
Facsimile: 02 6125 4722
Email: ssda@anu.edu.au
Internet: http://www.anu.edu.au (follow the links 'Discover ANU' then 'University Websites' ) |
Publication | Current state of research on illicit drugs in Australia: An information document
Reference | Hando, J., Hall, W., Rutter, S. & Dolan, K. 1999, Current state of research on illicit drugs in Australia: An information document, National Health and Medical Research Council, Canberra.
Purpose | To summarise current research on illicit drug use, as background information to a workshop on funding priorities.
Description | A description of research into illicit drug use in Australia, both national and regional, conducted from 1989 to 1999. Information was collected through questionnaires completed by known researchers and funding bodies in the field. |
Publication | Illicit Drug Use in Australia: Epidemiology, Use Patterns and Associated Harm
Reference | Darke, S., Ross, J., Hando, J., Hall, W. & Degenhardt, L. 2000, Illicit Drug Use in Australia: Epidemiology, Use Patterns and Associated Harm, Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, Canberra
Purpose | To provide an evidence base for a proposed education and information campaign.
Analyse known information about the epidemiology, use patterns and associated harms of specific illicit drugs.
Description | Comprehensive analysis of current Australian data. Lists the mental and physical harms which have been shown to be associated with each type of drug and gives detailed references to the research on which the statements are based. |
Publication | Statistics on drug use in Australia 2000
Reference | Millar, M. & Draper, G. 2001, Statistics on drug use in Australia 2000, AIHW Cat. no. PHE 30 (Drug Statistics Series No. 8), Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Canberra.
Purpose | To analyse drug-related data in a manner consistent with the aims and themes of the National Drug Strategy.
Description | A compilation and analysis of data from the 1998 National Drug Strategy Household Survey and other data sources.
Access | Available on the Internet at http://www.aihw.gov.au/publications/health.html
Related publications | Eight other similar reports have been produced between 1985 and 2000, originally titled Statistics on Drug Abuse in Australia, by the Commonwealth Department of Human Services and Health. |
Publication | The quantification of drug-caused mortality and morbidity in Australia, 1998
Reference | Ridolfo, B. & Stevenson, C. 2001, The quantification of drug-caused mortality and morbidity in Australia, Health and Welfare, Canberra.
Purpose | To estimate the number of deaths, person-years of life lost, hospital episodes and bed days caused by alcohol, cigarettes and illicit drugs in Australia during 1998.
Description | This report presents aetiological fraction estimates attributing deaths and hospital separations resulting from a range of specific illnesses and injuries to alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs. Also presented here are estimates of 1998 mortality and 1997-98 hospital separations attributable to alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs.
The fractions represent a revision of the fractions originally presented by Holman et al. (1990) and later revised by English et al. (1995). The work by English et al. contains an analysis of published literature on the effects of alcohol, cigarettes and illicit drugs on different diseases and injuries, and details the methods used to establish aetiological fractions of deaths and morbid events caused by alcohol, cigarette smoking and illicit drugs in Australia.
Access | Available on the Internet http://www.aihw.gov.au/publications/health.html
Related publications | English, D. R., Holman, C. D. J., Milne, E., Winter, M.G., Hulse, G. K., Codde, J. P., Bower, C. I., Corti, B., de Klerk, N., Knuiman, M. W., Kurinczuk, J. J., Lewin, G. F. & Ryan, G. A. 1995, The quantification of qrug-caused morbidity and mortality in Australia, 1995 edition, Parts 1 and 2, Commonwealth Department of Human Services and Health, Canberra.
Holman, C. D. J., Armstrong, B. K., Arias, L. N., Martin, C. A., Hatton, W. M., Hayward, L. D., Salmon, M. A. Shean, R. E. & Waddell, V. P. 1990, The Quantification of Drug-caused Morbidity and Mortality in Australia 1988, Parts 1 and 2, Commonwealth Department of Health, Housing, Local Government and Community Services, Canberra. |