Industry structure and performance presents a consolidated view of industrial production in Australia. The current structure and performance of the main industrial components of the Australian economy, and their relative contribution to overall economic activity, are described in terms of the value of production and employment by industries. Statistics are also provided on the growth of industries over the last 10 years and the changing contribution of individual industries to total economic activity during the period. More detailed information on the structure and performance of individual industries is provided in later chapters.
Industry structure and performance starts by outlining the development of industry since European settlement in The evolution of Australian Industry. The section The value of goods and services produced by industries examines industry gross value added and the contribution of individual industries to Australia's gross domestic product. An industry view of employment looks at industry shares of total employment, average weekly paid hours, and compensation of employees. Selected measures of industry performance presents information on income and expenses along with operating profit before tax and operating profit margins for individual industries. The chapter concludes with Industry productivity which provides data on multifactor productivity for the market sector as a whole and gross value added per hour worked for market sector industries.