Solar energy was used by 7% of Australian households for heating water in 2008. This was a 61% increase from 2005 when 4% of households used solar energy for hot water systems.
Households in all states and territories had a noticeable increase in the use of solar for water heating between 2005 and 2008. More than half the households in the Northern Territory (54% in 2008) used solar energy to heat water, up from 42% in 2005 (graph 3.3 and table 3.11). Households in Western Australia were also significant users of solar energy with more than one in five (21%) using solar for hot water systems, up from 16% in 2005. The use of solar for hot water systems doubled between 2005 and 2008 in New South Wales (2.5% in 2005 to 5% in 2008) and increased in Victoria (1% in 2005 to 3% in 2008), albeit from a small base (table 3.11).
3.3 Solar hot water heating(a), Use in dwellings